Archive-name: Amazon/lois1.txt
Archive-title: Amazon and the Puppet, The

If there is one kind of woman I have always found irresistible,
it is the Amazon type--that is, women of physical, emotional 
and psychological strength far superior to that of most men.  
Most women I have known consider the term "Amazon" as demeaning, 
connoting a woman who is masculine in appearance and demeanor.  
To me, however, the "Amazon" is the ultimate in femininity--tall, 
very strong and muscular, beautiful in both face and body, 
independent and forceful, and easily able to hold her own physically 
and intellectually with any man.
     I've known only one such female--a young girl my age with
whom I had a brief, summer affair when I was in high school.  Her
name was Lois, a cousin of a close friend whose parents were in
the military and who spent a summer visiting her aunt and uncle
in the small town where I lived with my grandparents.  My friend,
Ron, had arranged a blind date with me to help introduce her to
the town.  It was to have been a double date on a Saturday night,
only a day after her arrival, but, as it turned out, he called to
inform me that his girl friend was ill and that I was on my own
if I still wanted the date.  He went on to explain that she was
well over six feet tall and built to scale, big, solid and
shapely, and that, although she preferred shorter guys--I'm only
5'8"--she wanted me to know in advance in case I wanted to back
out.  My stomach started to churn at the prospect of dating a
girl that size, but I managed to keep my voice steady as I told
him I'd be there.
     However, even with that warning, when I arrived at the house
I was totally unprepared for the vision that greeted me at the
door.  Easily 6'2" or more and (as I learned later) a solid,
shapely 185 lbs. that showed even through her loose sweater and
knee length skirt, she literally loomed over me in the doorway! 
Like the rest of her, her lower legs were big and shapely, with
clearly defined, muscular calves.  Her hands were at least a
third again as big as my own, and her fingers long, powerful
looking and perfectly manicured.  I coudn't say she was beauti-
ful--at least I didn't think so at first.  Her features, framed
in long, wavy, blonde hair that tumbled in charming disarray over
incredibly broad shoulders, were regular, almost Nordic in quali-
ty, with a small, almost severe mouth and an oddly freckled
complexion--but she radiated such a breathtaking combination of
power and sensual femininity that my stomach started churning all
over again.
     I must have looked like an idiot standing there on the front
porch gaping up at her, but she smiled, stepped down onto the
porch, where I found I could barely see over her shoulder, took
my arm and immediately put me at ease by saying that, from what
Ron had told her about me, she had really looked forward to
meeting me.
     Since Ron's house was only a couple of blocks from the main
business district, we walked to the only theater in town to catch
an early movie--even sitting next to her in the theater I noted
that her eyes were several inches above my own--and then went
across the street to the high school recreation center.  It
wasn't crowded that night, but there were a few guys there to
whom I introduced Lois as Ron's cousin visiting for the summer. 
None of them showed much interest in pursuing a girl who was so
much bigger than they except a couple of the school jocks, and
when she made it clear that she had no interest in "macho" types,
they moved on.
     We bowled several games in the small bowling alley in the
basement, and, since I wasn't a particularly good bowler, she
beat me handily.  What really surprised me, however, was the
weight of the ball she used--the heaviest one there--and the
speed with which she sent it down the alley.  Pins flew all over
the place.  Afterward, we went upstairs to play some pool, and,
although I was an excellent pool shot in those days, I had to be
at my best to beat her three games out of five.
     During the course of the evening she had been marvelous
company, cultured and obviously extremely intelligent, yet with a
mischievous sense of humor, which became very apparent when we
wandered into the almost deserted dance floor where the free
jukebox was playing slow dance music.  She looked down at me with
a twinkle in her eye and said, "I don't suppose you'd want to
dance with a taller girl, would you?"
     I choked.  "Well, ah," I stammered, "I never have before,
and I might be a little awkward..."
     "Don't worry about that," she laughed.  "Besides, it'll be a
new experience for you."  Taking my small hand in her much bigger
one, she drew me out onto the dance floor, slipped an arm around
my shoulder and pressed me against her.  I half expected her to
lead, but she waited for me, and as I put my arm around her
waist, followed me easily, with a lightness of step that was
amazing for a girl her size.  Suddenly, with my face buried in
her shoulder and the soft scent of her perfume filling my nos-
trils, I felt completely enveloped by her, almost a part of her,
oblivious to everything but the closeness of her.  Instinctively
my arm tightenend around her, feeling and marveling at the
solidity of her big, shapely body, and I felt her arm around my
shoulders press me even tighter against her.
     For the rest of the evening it was as though I was in my own
world, conscious only of her, moving to the music, both fast and
slow, yet barely aware of what I was doing.  Only when the music
finally stopped and the closing of the center was announced by
one of the adults who chaperoned the place did I realize how long
we had been dancing.  We left by a side door to the street, where
she put an arm over and around my shoulders, hugging me close to
her.  I put my arm around her waist as we walked slowly the short
distance to her house and around to the back door, which she said
had been left open for her.
     As I turned to say goodnight, I felt her free arm encircle
my waist.  Before I could react, she pulled me tightly against
her, bending me backward, and her open mouth descended to firmly
capture mine.  Almost immediately pangs of desire flooded my
loins, and my penis snapped erect, hard and throbbing.  Instinc-
tively, I jerked my lower body away from her, but she slid her
hand down my back and pressed me hard against her, trapping the
bulge in my pants against the crack between her thighs under her
skirt and sending a brief thrill of ecstacy through my body.  At
that moment, I wanted her more than anything else.  I tightened
my arm around her waist and slipped the other up around her neck,
under her hair, and strained forward, trying to gain the initia-
tive, but her body was unyielding as our tongues continued to
intertwine.  I barely felt her one arm slip from behind my neck
and slide under my armpit and up my back to hold the back of my
     Then she did something that stunned me.  Without releasing
my lips, she bent her knees and lowered her other hand to firmly
cup my buttocks and press me hard against her as she straight-
ened, lifting me bodily off the ground and pressing the bulge in
my pants up under her skirt into her panties covering her maiden-
head.  I gasped as another, brief thrill coursed through my body,
and her murmured sigh into my open mouth told me she was feeling
something, too.  Finally, she released my mouth but still held me
tightly against her, my feet dangling several inches off the
ground.  Her face was flushed with a desire that matched my own
as her eyes bored deeply into mine.
     "My God, Lois!" I gasped.  "You're so strong!"
     She pressed her cheek against mine and asked softly, "Does
that bother you?"
     "Everything about you bothers me!" I blurted in reply. 
"Can't you tell?"
     She gave a low laugh and hugged me tighter against her.  "I
feel the same about you, Tom," she whispered.  "I really want
     "Oh, God!" I wailed, "I want you, too!  But we can't!  Not
here!  Not tonight!"
     "I know," she murmured.  "Tomorrow afternoon?  Some place
where we can be alone?  In the morning I'll be in Uncle Mike's
drug store learning how to help out, so..." she giggled, "I can
come prepared, if you're not."
     I flushed, knowing that if I'd tried to buy a pack of
condoms anywhere in that town, the word would be all over town by
nightfall. I told her I knew a secluded place in the woods
outside of town where we could go, and that I would try to get
the car and pick her up at two.  We kissed again, long and hard,
and then she slowly lowered me to the ground.  My legs were
wobbly, and I clung to her for a second. "You okay?" she asked,
looking down at me with sudden concern.
     "Little shaky, that's all," I replied.  "But it's going to
be a long, painful walk home."  It was a joke, but I knew that my
crotch would shortly be aching from frustration.
     She grinned and hugged me again.  "Sorry!  But I'll make it
up to you tomorrow..."
     Fortunately, my grandfather agreed to let me have the car,
and the next day I was there promptly at two.  As before, she met
me at the door, this time dressed in a loose windbreaker and
shorts and carrying a large blanket and cooler, which she said
contained some sandwiches and soft drinks, "in case,' she said
with a wink, "we find a place for a picnic."  What really struck
me, however, was her legs, now fully revealed below her shorts. 
Her thighs and calves were the biggest I had ever seen on a girl,
with a massive, clearly defined muscularity that actually rippled
when she walked.
     She nestled close to me in the car as we drove out of town
into the country, finally turning into a narrow dirt road leading
into the woods.  It ended in a small clearing with just enough
room to turn around, and we got out of the car.  She put her arm
around my shoulders and hugged me to her as she looked around and
said, "What a lovely place."  With my arm around her waist and my
head tucked against her shoulder, I looked up at the strong,
smooth curve of her chin and that marvelous, Nordic profile and
said softly, "I'd rather look at you."  She looked down at me,
suddenly serious, and murmured, "Then maybe it's time I gave you
a better look."
     She turned to face me, her eyes locking onto mine, and
opened her windbreaker, letting it slide off her shoulders to
fall on the grass behind her.  My jaw dropped, altough after what
she had done to me the night before I probably shouldn't have
been surprised.  She was wearing only a brief halter that barely
concealed her small, firm, breasts and revealed an upper torso
that was a veritable symphony of smooth, shapely, powerful
muscularity.  From her incredibly broad shoulders her deep chest
tapered in a wide "V" to a flat, narrow waist with striations of
rippling muscle barely visible under the smooth skin of her
stomach, and flared hips.  Her arms, solidly muscled with base-
ball size biceps, seemed almost half again as big as my own.  The
visual impact was devastating, a combination of physical power
and erotic femininity that left me weak kneed and shaky.  And
something else--vague curdlings in my lower stomach and the
telltale throbbing of a budding erection.
     "My God, Lois!" I gasped, "you're unbelievable!"
     "I guess," she replied soberly.  "I've always been bigger
and stronger than most guys.  I started working out with Dad's
weights when I was nine and got the bug."  She hesitated.  "Well,
what do you think?  This is when most guys run for the hills."
     I came close to her, put a shaking hand lightly on her upper
arm and looked up at her.  "I think," I said slowly, "that you
are the most magnificently beautiful creature I've ever seen!  I
think any guy who'd run away from you ought to have his genes
checked.  And right now mine are working overtime!"
     She pulled me to her and hugged me.  "I was hoping you'd say
that," she whispered.  "And, somehow, I thought you would."  She
retrieved her jacket and hung it over her back, tying the sleeves
around her neck, and then folded the blanket over one arm. 
Looking down at me, there was suddenly a mischievous look in her
eyes.  Before I realized what was happening, she stooped, slid
one arm under my armpits and around my chest and her other arm,
which held the blanket, behind my knees, and then she swept me
effortlessly up off my feet to hold me tightly against her,
cradled securely in her powerful arms.
     I was too surprised even to struggle.  "Lois!" I gasped. 
"What are you doing?  Put me down!"
     She grinned.  "I'm doing what I've wanted to do ever since
we met last night," she told me.  Suddenly serious, she asked,
"Do you really want me to put you down?  I thought you liked it
when I picked you up last night.  But if you really want me to, I
     As the initial shock and embarrassment waned, waves of
desire again flooded my lower body, and my erection burst into
full bloom, hard and throbbing.  And I realized that the sensa-
tion of feeling so small and helpless in the arms of this magnif-
icent Amazon was what I had always wanted.  It was like a screw
had turned within me, changing me.  I looked up into her eyes and
said simply, "No."
     Her arm tightened about my chest, and she grinned down at
me.  "In that case," she murmured, "Point me in the right direc-
tion and let's go find that secret place of yours."
     The trees were dense, and there was practically no under-
brush, so she had little difficulty carrying me through the woods
as I guided her to a huge grove of high, heavy bushes which
blocked our path.  I directed her around the grove to a spot
where the bushes thinned sufficiently that we could get through,
but she had to put me down so I could lead the way to a small
clearing in the middle of the grove.  "This is great!" she
exclaimed, and we unfolded the blanket and laid it out on the
ground.  She removed the windbreaker from around her neck,
produced a pack of Trojans from its pocket and, with a smile that
seemed suddenly shy, handed the pack to me.
     "Tom, I--I hope you don't think I do this with every guy I
go out with," she said after a long moment.
     I moved close to her, ran my hands lightly over her upper
arms, marveling at their size and solidity, and looked up into
her eyes.  "I could never believe that of you, Lois, " I replied.
"For me, you're a dream come true."
     She grinned.  "Why?  Just because I'm bigger and stronger
than you and like to pick you up and carry you around?  That's
all you really know about me."
     I felt my face getting red again, but the time for pretense
was past.  "It's not just that," I said.  "You're bright, per-
sonable, funny, sexy--everything about you is...well, perfect!" 
"Besides," I added grinning up at her, "you're obviously very
strong for a girl, but you've yet to prove you're stronger than
     She pursed her lips, looking down at me with unconcealed
amusement.  "Gee," she said softly, "I thought I already had,
but, if you want me to, I'd love to prove it again..."  She
reached down to grasp both my wrists and raise my hands almost
level with my shoulders.  "Ready?" she asked, and, as I flexed to
resist her, slowly, almost casually, forced my hands behind my
back, crossed them, and then pressed me against her and held me
there while I struggled helplessly against the power of her arms.
Bending to lightly kiss the tip of my nose, she whispered, "You
see?  I can do anything I want to with you."  Then, seeing the
look of alarm on my face, she added, "Don't worry.  I won't hurt
you.  I just want to make love to you."
     Desire was again flooding my loins as she bent me backward
to lay me gently on my back on the blanket and settled down on my
stomach, straddling me with her massive thighs and pressing my
hands firmly to the ground next to my head.  Then, forcing my
hands back beyond my head, she crossed my wrists and secured them
in the grip of a single hand, her long, powerful fingers almost
completely encircling both my small wrists.  Instinctively, I
tried to separate my hands, pulling with all my strength against
her grip, but her fingers were like steel, and after a brief
struggle I gave up and looked helplessly up to see her grinning
down at me.
     "Trying to get away?" she asked.
     "Just trying to see if I could."
     "You can't," she laughed.  "Not until I let you."
     She slid her free hand under me and lifted my upper body off
the ground just far enough that she could slide my polo shirt up
my chest, over my shoulders and then up my outstretched arms,
where she released my wrists long enough to remove it completely
and then secured them again.  She rolled off me, wrapped her
massive thighs around mine just above my knees and then undid my
shorts and slid them and my undershorts down over my thighs,
exposing my throbbing erection.
     "Am--am I big enough?" I asked (I'm not particularly well
     "You're big enough," she whispered hoarsely, her face
suddenly flushed.  Releasing me, she rose quickly to her feet
and, with almost feverish haste, undid her halter and removed her
shorts and panties, dropping them to one side.  Straddling my
prostrate body with her massive, shapely legs and looming high
above me like a magnificent, naked colossus, she bent down,
removed a Trojan from the pack next to me and slipped it over my
erect penis, and then rose again to her full height to look down
at me as I reached up to tentatively stroke her powerful calves. 
But, just as quickly, she settled back down next to me and again
secured my wrists and legs as she had before.  "No," she whis-
pered fiercely, "not yet.  I want you helpless while I play with
you first!"  Her open mouth crushed down on mine as her free hand
explored my body at will, stroking and massaging me intimately
and sending waves of mingled ecstasy and desire through me until
I thought I would orgasm on the spot.
     "My God, Lois," I begged, "please!  I'm going to explode!"
     In answer, I felt her hand firmly encase my penis and her
thumb press tightly down on its rubber covered tip, and to my
amazement, my desire subsided, but only momentarily as her open
mouth covered my face and chest with kisses.  Suddenly I was
aware of the powerful musk odor of her desire, filling my senses
and rekindling my own.  She released me and rolled on top of me
to wrap her mighty arms tightly around my neck, pressing my open
mouth into the hard nipple of her breast.  "Suck me!  Hard!" she
commanded, and I did, massaging her other breast with one hand
and her broad back with the other.  Her breath coming in gasps
and her great body shuddering, she moved backward to take me
inside her, wrap her legs around my thighs and lock me securely
in place.  And, even through the thin rubber of the condom, I
felt her vaginal muscles tighten around me and massage me as she
worked herself up and down on me, sending new waves of ecstasy
through my body and bringing me again almost the point of orgasm.
I tried to move with her, but I was pinned flat by the weight of
her body, and I barely heard her whisper, "No!  Lie still!  I'll
do that!"
     "Oh, God, Lois!" I gasped.  "I'm so close!"
     "Don't you dare!" she whispered fiercely.  "I'm not there,
yet!  Think of something else, anything, until I tell you!"
     I closed my eyes and struggled to distance my mind from the
desire and ecstasy of the moment.  It didn't help when she bent
forward to wrap one arm around my neck and the other around my
chest and press me head hard against her, but somehow I held off.
Then I felt her shudder and moan as she reached her first plateau
of pleasure, and then a second, and then a third.  "Now!" she
hissed, and a moment later, as I drove all thoughts from my mind
and surrendered myself completely to her embrace, I felt her
vaginal muscles erupt around me.  Her body stiffened and her arms
tightened around me like a vice, and the moan that escaped her
lips ended in a whine of ecstasy.
     I closed my eyes, straining to meet her climax.  In my mind
she was a giantess, more than twice my size, and I was cradled--
no, completely enveloped--in her massive arms, cuddled tightly
against her, feeling as tiny and helpless as a baby.  I was
looking up at her face, nearly twice as large as life, and her
open mouth, seemingly big enough to devour me whole, descending
to capture mine...
     She relaxed, and I realized that her climax was over, and
that I had missed it.  "Lois, please...don't stop!" I whispered. 
She looked down at me, and her arms tightened about me once more
as she continued to work me.  In my mind they were the arms of a
giantess, and as her open mouth crushed down on mine, a surge of
pure ecstasy enveloped my entire body, exploding within me and
carrying me beyond sensation, to heights of pure rapture beyond
anything I had ever known, only to subside, leaving me limp and
exhausted beneath her, our bodies slippery with the sweat from
our exertions.
     Her arms were still around me, more gently now, as she slid
to one side, keeping one leg over my crotch and thighs.  She
looked down at me fondly, bent her head to kiss me lightly, and
murmured softly, "You were late."
     I grinned wanly.  "I know.  Counted a few sheep too many, I
guess, waiting for you."
     She gave a low laugh.  "We're going to have to work on our
timing," she said.
     "Was it--was it good for you?" I asked.
     She hugged me close.  "It was wonderful...the best!" she
whispered.  "And I know it can get even better.  You're the only
guy--and, honest, there haven't been that many--but you're the
first who didn't try to fight me for control."  She hesitated,
looking at me intently.  "I have to be in control, Tom.  That's
the only way I can really enjoy making love.  I don't know why,
that's just the way I am.  For me, the ultimate turn on is
knowing a guy is completely surrendering himself to me--and loves
it!  The way you just did.  At least I hope you loved it--as much
as I did."
     My arms tightened around her.  "I hate to admit this, Lois,"
I whispered, "but I think you just ruined me for girls my own
     Her open mouth came crushing down on mine, and I felt her
hand move from my back to my chest and gently trace a line down
my body to slide under her leg and between my thighs and firmly
encompass my crotch.  "I'm glad," she murmured through my parted
lips, "because, my little one, for the rest of this summer, you
belong to me!"
     I could write another, complete story describing the rest of 
that day.  Suffice it to say that when we finally left the grove, 
I was totally spent.  As we emerged from the bushes, I stopped, 
looking up at her with an unspoken question, and she laughed and 
reached down to sweep me up in her powerful arms and carry me 
easily to the car.  We saw each other often after that, several 
times a week, and spent many Sundays in that secluded grove.  As 
she became better known in the town, we, of course, became an item 
of gossip ("But she's so much bigger than he is, and so strong 
looking!"), but by that time I didn't care, for she had become my '
universe, and each day I lived only for the next that I could be 
with her.  When the summer finally ended and she had to leave to 
join her parents overseas, I was destitute.  We promised to write, 
and we did for a while, passionate letters filled with plans, but 
I think we both knew that we would never see each other again, and 
we never did.  And I knew that I would never find her like again.  
And I never did.
     A year later I left to work my way through college and
graduate school--you could do that in those days without going
into debt.  By my late twenties, I had a terrific job and had met
and married a marvelous woman who, though far from my physical
ideal, could not have been a more wonderful wife and mother.  I
lost her to cancer several years ago.  I don't think she ever
suspected my secret desires--she could never have understood how
a man could want to play the passive, "feminine" role in a sexual
relationship--and, although we were devoted to each other and she
seemed content, there was always something more that I felt I
should have given her, to have made our life together more exciting, 
but couldn't.  I suspect that's partly why I've never remarried.
     My children are educated and grown, now, and on their own,
and I'm enjoying a very comfortable early retirement.  I've been 
very fortunate to have had a rich, full life in many ways, and, 
though I've often wondered what life would have been like had I 
married Lois or a woman like her, I've no regrets.  And I have 
something many men do not: the memories of a wonderful summer 
with the girl of my dreams!
     What would happen in the unlikely event I were to find a
woman like Lois today?  Well, if I've learned anything, it's that
one cannot build a relationship on sexual attraction alone, and
that's all Lois and I really had.  And, let's face it: at my age
certain basic urges do become somewhat more controllable!
     At least I think they would be...


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