Archive-name: Bondage/diapresh.txt
Archive-title: Diaper Research

    "What sort of product research?" David asked as he let his 
eyes follow the woman's shapely legs across the office.  He had to 
admit that she fascinated him.  Prim and pretty, she had a haughty, 
cultured atmosphere about her and she took no guff from anyone.  
Her leather skirt fit her like a second skin.  He had long since 
noticed the black seamed hosiery that seemed to connect the shiny 
leather and her high black patent pumps.  Another part of his 
attention was focused on her shapely rear, looking for some little 
sign that she wore stockings rather than pantyhose.  He wasn't 
really listening to her monologue about the firm's product line or 
the nature of the `research' that he was being hired for.

     "Don't worry about it.  You'll come with me to my 
summer place to assist me in laying out the new catalogue.  It 
should take three weeks so make sure that you will have no 
commitments during that time.  My sister's daughter will be 
joining us."

    "Are we going to work solid for three weeks?"  David 
asked, wondering why she was so concerned about it.

    Her tone hardened.  "You'll soon learn not to question me 
like that.  There will be little, if any contact with the outside world.  
We must ensure that our competition learns nothing of our new 
product line."

    Bashfully, David realized that he had been caught staring at 
her breasts, "And what would that be?"

    "An appropriate range of accessories to our very successful 
line of incontinent and nursing home supplies.  That's all you need 
to know about it for now."  She resumed her seat in front of him 
and David was almost sure she meant for him to catch a glimpse of 
stocking tops as she crossed her legs.  Now a gentler smile 
replaced her scowl, "You won't need many clothes.  The cottage is 
very well equipped and we'll see to your every need."

    The interview was over.  He suddenly realized that she 
hadn't even asked him if he wanted the job.  She had read his 
fascination like a book and correctly assumed that he could not 
bear to turn down the opportunity to be with her.

    David had to look up what `incontinent' meant but the 
dictionary's trite account didn't bother him much.  He was more 
concerned with his deep attraction to  his new employer and the 
power that seemed to emanate from her.  The brief glimpse of her 
stockings haunted him and he couldn't put the memory of her out 
of his mind.  

    By the time he reached the gate of the estate that she had so 
modestly called `a cottage' he was infatuated with her and blind to 
the many clues that foretold his fate.

    In another frame of mind he might have noticed the barred 
windows on the upper story, the locked gates and the high stone 
walls, fringed with barbed wire.  He might have questioned these 
elaborate and inappropriate measures but instead he announced 
himself to the intercom box and slowly drove up the drive.  He 
drank in the vision she presented as she greeted him.  

    Her long chestnut hair framed a heart shaped face whose 
major accent was the deep red gloss of her lips.  The makeup 
around her eyes made them dark and mysterious.  She wore a 
simple black dress that had a slit up the side of the skirt.  Perched 
on her four inch heels she was just a little taller than him.  From 
the look in her eyes she seemed to more than glad he had arrived.

    David could not have guessed that he was drifting into a 
carefully laid trap.  Mindful of the spell she was casting, Samantha 
artfully led him to her study, giving him more than enough 
opportunity to study her legs and the sheer, seamed black 
stockings she had chosen carefully only minutes before he had 
arrived.  She was excited by him.  She had decided he would be 
fun to train; she couldn't wait to see his face when he finally 
realised what he had gotten himself into.  For certainly, he would 
not be getting out of it until she had finished with him.

    "There are a few things you should be told before we 
commence our experiments", she said while pacing the floor in 
front of him.  Her pumps tapped out a cadence to her words.  She 
noticed that David had grimaced at the word `experiments'.  
"Jennifer will be taking care of you.  Call on her for anything you 
need.  She has my full confidence and you may take her 
instructions as if I had given them."  There was the sound of a door 
opening and he turned around to see a very tall, pretty blonde girl 
in a starched white nurse's uniform.  "There you are, dear.  This is 
David, your new charge.  I suggest you prepare him and then 
introduce him to Susan before dinner."  She waited for a brief nod 
of acknowledgment before continuing, "And how is my dear niece 

    "She is quieter now, Madam.  She was not pleased to return 
but she is adjusting well to her surroundings."

    "Make her first night a memorable one, won't you?  
Perhaps it would be a good time for her and David to share some 
pillow talk."  Samantha looked at him and smiled slowly, enjoying 
the confusion register on her victim's face.

    David suddenly felt very scared.  He decided he didn't like 
the sound of things at all.  Almost instinctively he bolted for the 
door, expecting to brush past the slim nurse and make it to his car 
before they had time to react.  Instead the nurse almost casually 
reached out and flipped him onto his back, the force of the fall 
winding him.  While he lay there weak and gasping she turned him 
over and expertly applied a pair of handcuffs, securing his wrists 
behind his back.  As his senses returned he looked up to see the 
two women standing over him.  Both wore expressions of 
belittling pity.  He trembled in fear and suddenly he needed to pee 
very badly.

    "David, it is far too late for second thoughts.  Jennifer will 
prepare you for the research you are about to participate in.  I 
suggest you do what she tells you.  She's more than capable of 
subduing you with force and she has a nasty sadistic streak that 
will bring you many tears if you make her angry.  Go with her 
now and cooperate.  Life will be much easier if you do."

    "What are you going to do to me?"  David asked in a panic 
as the nurse hauled him to his feet.

    Samantha had her back turned to him as she contemplated 
the view of the garden from her window, "Oh, I think your first 
sight of Susan will educate you far more thoroughly than anything 
I could say.  Don't worry, you'll be spending the night with her and 
I'm sure she'll share her extensive experience with you."  She 
nodded to the nurse and David was roughly guided out of the 

    Stunned, David climbed the stairs with an ever deepening 
sense of dread.  Something was wrong; horribly wrong.  They 
went past the second floor to the third.  A steel door, wide and 
institutional looking barred the way until Jennifer produced a key 
attached to her pocket by a chain.  She ensured the door was 
locked again once they had passed through.

    "Uh, I need to go to the bathroom," David mumbled as he 
watched Jennifer replace her key.  She looked up at him, smiled 
and motioned with her hand for him to move into the room.  
Expecting relief, what he saw instead sent a new chill running 
through him.

    It was a totally different world from the polished wood and 
antique furniture of the mansion below them.  He was standing in 
a hospital ward of sorts.  Two beds, whose chrome cages made 
them seem more like oversize baby's cribs, were against one wall.  
The rest of the room  was taken up with various pieces of medical 
equipment, an obstetrical table here, an examination table over 
there.  He could not untangle the maze of chrome and equipment; 
finally his eyes came to rest on the gentle movements that came 
from one of the cribs.  Only then did he hear the soft, whispering 
moans and whimpers.  Jennifer led him towards it until he recoiled 
from what he saw.

    The bars that formed the sides of the crib were thick and 
heavy but they did nothing to block his curiosity.  For inside was 
bound a very pretty young girl, her arms crossed over her chest by 
the canvass strait jacket she wore.  Straps ran from her elbows to 
the sides of the mattress.  A large pacifier type of plug had been 
inserted in her mouth and was held in place by a wide leather strap 
that ran across her cheeks.  Her legs were held wide apart by ankle 
cuffs secured to a band of strapping that ran across the foot of the 
bed.  More strapping ran from the base of the jacket down between 
her legs, pressing and parting but not concealing the translucent 
plastic panties and the thick diaper that lay beneath.

    She stared back at him over the circular flange of the gag in 
her mouth and for a long moment their eyes met.  Then a spasm 
seemed to take her and she rolled her eyes to the ceiling, squealing 
and grunting while her body shook.  When she finally looked at 
him again there were tears in her eyes.  David was beginning to 
guess what was about to happen to him.  Jennifer's voice broke the 

    "Are you empty yet, Susan?" she taunted, "Do you need 
another enema?  Maybe we should make you retain it a little while 
longer this time!"  Her voice was calm but the provocative words 
were met with a flurry of muffled protests from the bound and 
helpless form.  David's nose caught the unmistakable scent of a 
dirty diaper and he almost gagged.  He was trembling as Jennifer 
pushed him forward toward the doorway at the end of the room.  

    The sight of the `bathroom' made him forget briefly his 
introduction to the unfortunate Susan.  Central to its many features 
was a piece of metal pipe, suspended from the ceiling by a thick 
chain, to which had been affixed at either end of its three foot 
length a pair of leather cuffs, dangling open and ready.  The 
dampness in the air and the little pools of water on the floor 
suggested that it had not been too long since Susan had visited this 
place to hang in these very cuffs.  "Please," he pleaded as he was 
pushed into position, "I really do need to pee.  Can't I go to the 
toilet before you do whatever you're going to do?"  To his dismay, 
Jennifer just smiled and shook her head.

    The nurse was experienced enough to take no chances.  She 
went to a switch on the wall and lowered the trapeze so that the 
waiting cuffs were at the level of David's bound hands.  Then she 
attached one of the leather cuffs before unlocking the handcuffs.  
David was too confused to contemplate anything heroic and let her 
fasten his other wrist without protest.  Terror and his increasing 
need to relieve himself now dominated his thoughts.

    Jennifer returned to the switch and David felt his arms 
being pulled up over his head until he was resting on the balls of 
his feet; a position he did not find comfortable and said so to 

    "Be quiet or I'll give you something to really complain 
about." she said sharply.  She brought over a cart on which was 
laid out an assortment of surgical instruments.  His eyes grew wide 
at the polished, menacing steel.  She selected a scalpel and held it 
up before his eyes for a brief moment, enjoying the fear it caused, 
then she took hold of the sleeve of his shirt and began to run the 
blade up it, parting the fabric like paper.  David opened his mouth 
to protest but thought the better of it after the shiny steel was 
flashed inches from his face.  He was shivering in fear as the 
blade's dull side caressed his skin while it toured his body.  His 
clothes fell in shreds at his feet and with them his pride and much 
of his will to resist.

    Finally nude he felt cold and terrified.  Jennifer went to a 
sink and began to fill a bowl with soapy water.  The sound of 
running water was more than his tortured bladder could take and 
he moaned loudly as a strong stream spurted out from his stem and 
splashed on the tiles.  Jennifer turned sharply and watched him for 
a moment.  "Looks like you'll be good at testing diapers"

    "Diapers?!" His head snapped up at the word.  After seeing 
the poor creature in the other room he should've admitted to 
himself that he would soon join her but his mind had blanked out 
that possibility.  There was no way of evading it now.

    "Of course.  What do you think we research here?" she said 
as she brought the bowel of water over to the cart beside him.

    Oh how he wanted to ask her all the questions that swirled 
about in his mind.  But deep inside he wasn't sure he wanted to 
know the answers.  As Jennifer began to wash his defenceless 
body he realized how helpless he was.  If they wanted to diaper 
him, there would be little he could do to prevent it.

    She left no crevice, no private place untouched and did not 
dry him, leaving him to shiver in the cool air.  He began to shiver 
more from fear than cold after he saw the straight-edged razor in 
her hand.  He had to close his eyes while the sharp blade and her 
lathered hand made alternating sweeps across his flesh.  She 
worked downward from his neck and each time she used the 
sponge to wash away the residual lather and the few hairs that 
escaped the razor he felt more and more naked.  By the time she 
got to his groin he was crying for her to stop but she ignored him.  
When she told him to part his legs some more or have them 
secured that way he cooperated, sensing the futility of resistance.

    He clenched his teeth and forced himself to remain still 
while the cold steel scraped around his penis and scrotum.  
Jennifer was shaving away more than body hair; his very 
personality seemed to rinse away with it to gather in the circular 
drain beneath him where it collected and congealed.  By the time 
she had finished he hung limp in his bonds, bruised by her smile of 

    She released him, granting relief to the cramps in his 
shoulders.  He numbly padded after her into the larger room.  She 
made him wait while she prepared the obstetrical table for him. 

    A muffled cry from the occupied crib made him turn in 
time to see the pitiful Susan buck against her bonds in yet another 
convulsion.  When he looked up to see the pile of cloth diapers 
that Jennifer was preparing something inside him broke past his 
self-pity and humiliation.  Fed by the adrenalin of fear he pounced 
on the unsuspecting nurse and succeeded in getting one arm 
around her neck while the other groped frantically for the key to 

    He had expected her to fight back and was surprised when 
she went limp, waiting for his attention to waver.  He had to shift 
his weight to reach the clasp of the key chain.  It was the 
opportunity Jennifer had been waiting for.

    By reaching for the key he had put himself off balance and 
given her a leverage point.  Before he had realized what was 
happening she had spun out of his grasp while locking both hands 
on his right wrist.  She twisted his arm up and around until he 
found himself on the way down; the alternative was a dislocated 
shoulder.  No sooner was he on his knees than one of her hands 
found his scrotum and gave it a twisting squeeze.  David screamed 
for her to stop.

    "So we understand each other?" she grunted, "Try 
something like that again and I'll make you regret it.  As it stands, 
you've just earned yourself a couple of Ducolax.  Now you're 
going to lie down on the table, very nicely."  She waited until he 
nodded his surrender and then guided him to his feet without 
relaxing either of her grips.  The hand at his arm moved swiftly to 
his throat, threatening to choke him if he resisted.  

    He had no choice but to climb onto the table, ever mindful 
of the waves of pain that either of her hands could inflict at a 
moment's notice.  He felt the piled cloth under his buttocks as his 
feet found the stirrups, forcing his legs wide, keeping him 

    The hand disappeared from his throat but only to draw a 
wide band of canvass across his torso.  She was able to lock it with 
only one hand and a second strap was then fastened across his 
belly.  His arms were trapped inside.  Only when she was satisfied 
that the straps were secure did Jennifer release her grip on his 
manhood.  She went to the stirrups and pulled two more straps 
tightly over each leg.  He tested the bonds and found them secure.  

    He had no choice but watch her and she made sure he 
learned from the experience.  She went to a glass cupboard and 
took a handful of small foil wrapped items from a box.  He was 
too far away to read the label.  When she returned she leaned close 
to him, her perfume filling his nostrils with the scent of powerful 
femininity.  Unseen, her other hand found his virgin rosette, now 
exposed by the angle of his spread and elevated legs.

    She was so close he could see exactly how much makeup 
she used.  He felt her eyes burn into him while her finger explored 
his most intimate opening.

    "Do you know how Ducolax works?" she said huskily, 
almost in a whisper.  She waited for him to shake his head.  "It 
irritates the lining of the colon, causing it to contract and violently 
expel its contents.  Usually it works within about fifteen minutes 
but I'm sure that by giving you a triple dose we'll see results much 
sooner than that."  David groaned at the thought of it.  He wiggled 
against the straps in a vain attempt to escape his fate.  

    With great care Jennifer made a display out of unwrapping 
each of the three suppositories before his eyes.  When they nestled 
in the palm of her hand she held them close for him to get a good 
look at the waxy, bullet shaped plugs.  "Just think," she whispered, 
"Susan only had one of these and look at her."  Almost on cue, 
Susan whimpered and convulsed again.

    "Please," David pleaded, "I'm sorry.  But please don't put 
them in me!"  He was really pleading now.  His imagination was 
full of what those three innocent looking pessaries would do once 
they were at work inside him.  But even as he did his best to sway 
her, she was pressing the first of the little plugs past his tensed 
anus.  Two more followed quickly.

    He immediately felt a mild burning that quickly escalated 
into hot cramping as his body heat melted the three suppositories.  
Jennifer worked quickly, pinning the diapers tightly and fitting a 
pair of snap-on plastic panties over top.

    He was rocking his hips and tensing in reaction to the 
growing internal distress, the fire deep inside him, as she released 
the straps and bent his arm around behind him to ensure his 
cooperation on the way to his crib.

    So occupied with his cramps, David barely noticed the 
thick diapers between his legs that made him waddle towards the 
waiting crib-cage.  Each spasm brought more pain and weakened 
him further until he found he could barely stand.  He yearned to lie 
down on the mattress as he had yearned for nothing before.

    He moaned and cried and pleaded for relief as Jennifer 
fitted his arms into the sleeves of a strait jacket.  He didn't care 
what she did to him; he just wanted to lie down, bring his legs 
back over his chest and ease the cramping.  There was a growing 
storm deep inside him and he both wanted to be rid of it and yet 
save himself the discomfort that expulsion would surely bring.

    His bladder gave way of its own accord while Jennifer was 
tightening the buckles down his back and when she pulled the 
plastic covered crotch band tight he felt the hot wet cloth pressed 
against his shaven genitals.  He didn't care.

    She crossed his arms and tightened the straps that held 
them that way.  Then, finally, she let him lie down on the plastic 
mattress cover.  It was blessed relief and he started to raise his legs 
only to have her grip one of his ankles and bind it in a cuff 
attached at the foot of the bed.

    "Please no!" he whimpered between spasms as he felt his 
other ankle being secured.  He looked up at her, frantic with 
agony, "You can't do this to me!"

    It was the last thing he said for quite some time.  No sooner 
had he finished the sentence than Jennifer had filled his mouth 
with an oversized pacifier, the rubber bulb pushing his tongue 
down, stifling his protests.  She had little trouble fastening the 
strap about his head.

    As he suddenly realized what cruel ingenuity was behind 
his condition, David looked up into the pretty face of his 
tormentor.  She looked down at him with a little pity as she 
fastened his elbows to the bed with straps.  Then she wiped the 
perspiration from his forehead.  "Sleep well, little baby.  I'll look 
in on you both later this afternoon."  Her voice was soft, 
reassuring, but it did nothing to dispel the wave of terror filled 
panic that washed over him.  The crib side was drawn up and 
locked.  She didn't even turn around on her way out of the room.

    A movement above him caused David to look up, only to 
see his reflection in a full length mirror over the crib.  Though the 
top of the crib was barred he had little difficulty watching his 
every convulsion as his behind delivered wave after wave of 
sticky, acidic mush into the waiting diaper.  He watched his body 
behave beyond his control, studied the many straps and devices 
that bound him and listened to his own muffled grunts and moans 
as he lay helpless under the onslaught of the suppositories.  He 
perspired so much that the sweat dripped into his eyes blurring his 

    He didn't care about anything but the next spasm, hoping it 
would be the last, praying that each movement would carry away 
the three angry hornets and ease the storm they caused.  He had 
never felt such a compelling need to expel; it was all he could 
think of, all he lived for during each endless convulsion.

    He quickly weakened and soon his bladder released a little 
trickle with each spasm.  As he sensed the effluent spreading out 
beneath him and realized his total helplessness, he felt himself give 
up the fight, letting the drugs take their course.

    Eventually the spasms came farther apart and grew weaker.  
Soon he was able to tolerate them without screaming into the 
rubber bulb.  Only then did he turn and see that Susan was 
watching him.

    She grunted into her own pacifier, the best expression of 
sympathy that she could manage.  He studied her confinement, 
found it identical to his own and then met her eyes again.  They 
lay staring at one another, each wanting so desperately to talk, to 
share the torment and yet each forestalled from such a simple act.

    And so the shadows deepened.  David had nothing to do 
but feel the dirty and soaked diaper as it clung to him.  Inside the 
strait jacket he was bathed in sweat and began to itch.  There was 
nothing he could do to stop it.  Susan too rolled and tugged against 
her bonds, suffering the same symptoms.  Between the two bound 
and helpless patients there grew a silent bond of mutual sympathy 
and despair

                           CHAPTER TWO

    David realized he had fallen asleep.  The sound of the side 
of the crib being lowered made him open his eyes just in time to 
catch a glimpse of Jennifer and the leather hood before she pulled 
it over his head.  Blind, deafened and suddenly terrified he 
struggled against his bonds and screamed against the rubber in his 
mouth.  Then he felt Jennifer's hand on his diapered crotch, 
stroking and petting it to reassure him.  He tried to relax.

    His elbows and ankles were released and he was guided to 
an unsteady standing position.  He felt her hands work at the many 
buckles of the strait jacket and then the rush of cool air against his 
wet skin that made him shiver.  His diaper hung down between his 
legs as Jennifer led him away from his crib.  To the shower room?  
To one of the tables?  He did not know.

    The leather cuffs on the metal bar again.  So it must be the 
shower room.  He realized he couldn't smell; an advantage when it 
came time to remove the diaper.  With his arms suspended 
overhead, weight on the balls of his feet, David had no choice but 
to let Jennifer do whatever she wanted.

    Her hands pulled open the snaps on the plastic pants and 
then worked at the pins.  The hot, humid confinement of the diaper 
was suddenly replaced by the cool breath of fresh air.  He 
shivered.  Far off in the distance he heard the sound of running 
water and a second later the high pressure stream hit him, stinging 
him with it's needle spray.  He moaned his protest into the pacifier 
as the painful jet investigated his soiled nether region.

    As quickly as it had come it departed, leaving him sore and 
tired.  He sensed there was a new load of effluent ready to escape.  
To his own shock and amazement he hoped he would be re-
diapered soon.

    His hands were cuffed behind him again and he was led 
back into the main room.  This time there was no waiting for the 
table to be prepared and he was directed onto the waiting pads 
without delay, his legs again forced up and apart by the stirrups.  
But the pads beneath him were different, artificial and plastic like.  
He guessed it was a disposable diaper.  There seemed to be a lot of 
extra padding running down the middle, waiting to be drawn up 
between his legs.

    Then came the warm softness of baby powder, drying the 
last traces of water.  He wished he could smell it but the hood was 
too tight.  Efficient hands brought the diaper into place and 
fastened it snugly.  It felt good to be protected again; he was 
unsure if he could control his sore and aching anus.

    One of her hands moved inside his diaper until it was 
between his penis and the padding.  Then the other hand moved 
into position over it but outside the diaper.  Suddenly there was a 
brief rush of cool air and his penis was brought out of the diaper.  
It felt very strange to be confined and exposed at the same time.

    He had expected another pair of snap-on plastic pants but 
instead, Jennifer's hands went to work on the straps that held his 
legs in the stirrups.  Once they were free he felt something made of 
rubber being slipped over his ankles.  As the nurse worked the 
garment up his legs he guessed it was a pair of rubber pants.

    Once they were in place David could feel the cool, smooth 
rubber pressing his erection against the plastic outer shell of the 
disposable diaper.  But Jennifer wasn't finished.  He felt her hands 
on his manhood and a few seconds later his penis was being 
guided into a rubber tunnel in the front of the pants.  It felt so 
strange to David, the combination of warm, soft padded 
confinement and the contrasting slick kiss of the rubber where it 
gripped his manhood.  He tried to imagine what it must look like.

    Jennifer moved away for a few minutes.  When she 
returned it was to release the bands that held his body to the table.  
As he was helped to stand Jennifer gripped David's hood and 
pulled his head back; it was an effective means of control and he 
moved slowly, obeying her guiding hands.

    A few steps then he was made to turn around.  Then he was 
guided down onto a waiting chair.  He was confused, having no 
recollection of any chairs in the room.  When she lifted his legs 
onto a platform he realized it must be a wheel chair.

    She began to strap him in.  First a wide band of canvass 
across his chest.  Then straps across his shins to keep his legs in 
place.  His arms were placed outside the armrests for a moment 
and it seemed like a tray was being fitted across his chest.  He felt 
more than heard the catches snap in place.  She took each wrist, 
bound it in a cuff and then fixed it to the tray somehow; he was 
getting very confused.  Finally she pressed his head backwards 
until it met a support.  He felt something being fastened to his 
hood and found it suddenly secured.

    She seemed to move away again and he used the 
opportunity to test his freedom.  There was none to be had; he 
couldn't move any part of his body more than a fraction of an inch 
and while it was more comfortable than the strait jacket he was 
getting very scared.

    David was locked in a silent world where his only stimuli 
were the feel of the pads and devices that bound his body.  Hungry 
for more information, his mind tried to imagine what these things 
looked like and what purpose they served.  Deep inside him fear 
was being replaced by terror as his total helplessness became a part 
of every thought.  A little spasm shook him and the fresh diaper 
accepted a little more hot, acidic effluent.  His bladder too tried to 
void but had nothing to give.  He was very thirsty, having had 
nothing to drink since breakfast in his apartment an eternity ago.

    But more than anything else he was tired.  The spasms had 
taken their toll and his body wanted sleep.  His rear hurt from its 
constant exposure to his waste and every muscle screamed for 
peace from the constant bondage in unnatural positions.  His 
stomach felt tense from his fear but he guessed he was probably 
hungry as well.  And yet he could not relax himself.  What is 
Jennifer going to do next?, his mind screamed.  Why the locking 
chair and why the rubber sheath over his penis?  He had no 
answers; he was forced to wait on fate.

    He hadn't sensed Jennifer's approach and the first touch of 
her hands on the fastenings to his hood startled him.  "There, there, 
it's alright" she cooed as sound and light flooded in.  He blinked in 
the sudden brightness and it took a few minutes before he could 

    He was in a wheel chair with a tray fixed over his lap.  His 
cuffed hands were locked to the top of the tray by some 
arrangement of pins that fit through holes in the arborite surface.  
The chair had been turned to face the wall; he could see nothing of 
Susan's crib or the other furniture in the room.

    Jennifer was behind him.  Without thinking he tried to turn 
his head to see what she was doing; but the head rest had sides 
fitted to it that made this impossible.  She came into his view 
carrying a plastic tube attached to something out of his sight.

    He tried to talk but the rubber bulb held his tongue.  He 
could only make pitiful, muffled whimpers as he watched her 
attach the tube to the front of his pacifier.  "Just relax," she said 
with that same cruel smile, "you do want to eat, don't you?"  He 
didn't understand until the first thick glob of paste filled the bulb in 
his mouth and oozed out.  He swallowed without thinking and 
almost gagged on the bland taste.  The bulb refilled and he had to 
swallow again.  She stood back and watched him, her arms crossed 
over her chest.  Could she know that he had no saliva to refresh his 
mouth?  Did she plan on forcing him to endure this before 
answering his desperate need for water?  He tried to tell her.  He 
squealed and grunted and struggled against his bonds but if she 
guessed his message she made no sign of it and merely grinned 
wider at his distress.  Each sound he tried to make was rewarded 
with another burst of paste and it was all he could do not to choke.  
"Well," she said while glancing at her watch, "it's time I gave 
Susan a change and some dinner.  Oh, just relax.  There'll be three 
quarts of juice once you're finished with that."  Even as he grunted 
his protest she walked out of his view.

    David quickly learned that it was better to relax.  The paste 
came more slowly that way and he could avoid the dry choking 
feeling.  With his ears uncovered he was able to follow what was 
happening to Susan.

    First came a series of muffled moans and the sound of the 
crib side being lowered.  "Yes, Missy, it's your turn now." Jennifer 
said softly and David heard the crackle of the mattress cover as 
Susan was helped to her feet.  He pictured her being escorted 
towards the bathroom, her muffled cries and protests falling on 
deaf ears.

    The whirring sound told him the trapeze was being 
employed and then a pause, while the diaper was removed, before 
the sound of running water made him remember the stinging spray 
and he winced in sympathy.  The gagged cries grew louder but had 
no effect on the efficient nurse.  It was several minutes before the 
water was shut off. He imagined Jennifer drying her patient.

    When they returned Susan was making regular gulping 
sounds as if she was in tears.  Then he heard the stirrups creak as 
they took the weight of her limbs.  Was she pretty?  Had she been 
shaved?  David desperately wanted to know.  The bulb in his 
mouth continued to fill with the luke warm paste.

    A new flurry of protests and then the sounds of rubber as, 
he guessed, a pair of rubber pants were drawn up Susan's legs.  
Suddenly there was a prolonged moan of despair and again David 
tried to turn his head to see what was happening.

    Strange, metallic sounds reached him; perhaps a second 
wheel chair?  He was agitated with curiosity.  Susan continued her 
whimpers and muted cries, punctuated by clicks.  Jennifer had said 

    "And now some dinner for you, my little miss."  Jennifer 
said and immediately Susan ceased her protests.  He knew what 
she was experiencing.

    Jennifer appeared beside him.  "A little something to wash 
it all down?" she asked coyly.  He could barely see her as she did 
something to the tube.  The paste was soon replaced by apple juice 
that had a chemical after-taste.  He had to swallow almost 
constantly to be able to breathe.  He was surprised when Jennifer 
took hold of the back of the chair and spun it around so he could 
see his fellow prisoner.

    Was this him?  Did he look like this?  Susan was confined 
in her wheel chair with similar restraints.  A strap across her feet 
held them in place.  The tray fitted tightly against her torso, almost 
supporting her full breasts.  Like his own, her wrists were locked 
to the top of the tray but now he could see the pins that passed 
through the top to be anchored by a turn bolt beneath.  A tube ran 
from her pacifier up to a bag of paste that hung from a pole 
attached to the chair.  She was gulping and swallowing as fast as 
she could, no doubt as thirsty and desperate as he had been only 
moments before.

    But it was what lay beneath the tray that made him strain 
his eyes; he couldn't believe it.  The amber rubber panties had a 
black hole over her vagina, disappearing inside it, leaving a cavity.  
Though he could not see his own pants he guessed accurately that 
his rubber sheathed penis was meant to fill it.  Despite all his pain, 
terror and discomfort, he grew hard.

    As he had examined her, Susan too had been studying 
David and had guessed what was planned.  Despite the force-
feeding of paste she started a new wave of muffled wails and 
whimpers.  She was terrified of what lay ahead.  Despite his 
arousal, David had sympathy for her.

    Jennifer was busy doing something to Susan's crib but 
David had eyes only for his suffering partner.  When the feeding 
bag was empty, Jennifer hung a bag of amber fluid to replace it 
and changed David's tube to a fresh bag.  He felt so full he didn't 
think he could take it but the bulb in his mouth was insistent and 
he had no choice but to keep swallowing.

    So the two patients stared at each other having guessed 
their fate.  And how unkind a fate would it be?  Susan glanced 
down at her naked breasts and blushed.  As a bound female she 
would have no defence against the rampant male.  David tried to 
imagine what it must feel like for her to have a rubber sheath 
lining her love tunnel, waiting for his hardness and powerless to 
prevent it from penetrating her.  The idea excited David even more 
and he began to forget his fear and 

    All the while he suckled and swallowed, now mesmerized 
by the prospect of what lay ahead.  Susan drained her bag and it 
was replaced.  David was switched to his third quart, feeling full to 
capacity even as the first rush of juice flooded into his mouth.

    Nothing changed in the next hour.  David finished the third 
bag and whimpered his protests at being made to take a fourth 
while Susan reluctantly started on her second.  When David's last 
bag was dry and Susan had nearly finished her third, Jennifer 
stepped into view and began to wheel the girl towards her crib.  
David's erection strained inside its rubber sheath.

    Jennifer released the girl from her chair and forcefully 
guided her onto the crib's mattress.  She was restrained in a spread-
eagle position, arms and legs outstretched, leaving her defenceless.  
Fully aware of the intent of her position, Susan kept up a constant 
stream of gagged protests which Jennifer ignored.  Finally satisfied 
with the female partner, Jennifer came for David.

    After he had been brought close to her he saw the girl's 
panic.  Her face was flushed under the pacifier and her chest 
heaved with agitation.  She did not want this to happen, he realized 
and was surprised to find his own excitement growing as a result 
of that. 

    "Now just do what you're told and no one will suffer."  
Jennifer said as she guided David until he lay on top of the 
helpless Susan.  She felt wonderful beneath him.  Her breasts were 
crushed by his chest and his pacifier lay only inches from her own.  
Her eyes were dark with fear as they both sensed Jennifer's hands 
buckling David's wrists and ankles into cuffs over top of Susan's.

    There was one final step and Jennifer took her time at it.  
David caught a brief glimpse of the tube of lubricating jelly before 
he felt Jennifer apply it to his stiffness.  It made him moan with 
pleasure, even after his member was abandoned in favour of 
preparing Susan's rubberized cavity.

    Jennifer's hand went between them.  David could feel her 
guiding his sheathed stem to the mouth in Susan's pants.  Then, 
suddenly and wonderfully, he was inside her, watching with 
delight as her eyes grew wide with surprise and a high pitched 
squeal escaped past her gag.

    Lost in the ecstasy, David didn't see Jennifer prepare the 
syringe.  He whirled around at the prick of the needle in his arm 
and felt fear again.  "Just a little something to make sure you both 
take advantage of the situation."  Jennifer said as she wiped a 
damp cotton swab over Susan's arm.

    David had no idea what was in the needle but it had the 
effect of agitating them both until his piston slid in and out of the 
helpless Susan as quickly as they both could manage, racing 
towards a climax forced by the drug.  David was enjoying himself 
despite all he had been through that day.  Susan's face was flushed 
and while she still moaned, her sounds were now of pleasure.

    No sooner had they both come than the strange drug began 
to restore their appetite.  Jennifer had watched with obvious 
delight and took the opportunity to remove both pacifiers.  "I'm 
sure you'll both have a lot to talk about before morning.  Good 

    Time and time again they rose to the peak of passion and 
subsided, only to be brought back into arousal by the injections.

    David lost count of how many times they were compelled 
to unite, his penis never slipping from Susan's grasp.  Even after 
he had nothing to ejaculate his body was driven to renew the 
thrusts that now brought Susan pain and made her protest.  Many 
hours later they lay exhausted in each other's arms, sore and 
drained, thankful for the peace.  Without taking advantage of their 
ability to speak, they each drifted into sleep, ignoring the 
discomfort of their bonds.

                          CHAPTER THREE

    The sleep born of exhaustion didn't last through the night.  
Just as the first rays of dawn crept through the window both 
patients were awake.  Without the effects of the drug to conquer 
their inhibitions, David and Susan silently assessed their 

    David was tired and stiff.  He was surprised that he was 
still erect and still buried inside Susan's rubber lined sheath.  He 
felt sticky and dirty all over, especially his diaper where more of 
the acidic mush had leaked out and now burned fiercely.  He 
wiggled his behind a little to try and gain some comfort but a low, 
painful moan from Susan made him stop.  His need to pee was 
overpowering but as soon as he tried to release he found much 
resistance from the rubber sheath that bound his penis.  Grunting 
and moaning he forgot about his forced sex partner for a few 
seconds and tried his best to gain some relief.  He was only partly 
successful and now his penis was painful. Susan whimpered softly 
and he looked down into her pensive eyes and groped for words.

    Susan wondered if she had even been so miserable.  This 
stranger's penis still violated her, sandwiching her body between a 
pool of effluent and his hips.  Her arms screamed out their protests 
at having been bound so tightly for so long.  Whenever he moved 
it was like torture to her.  She desperately needed to pee but found 
it very hard to do so because of the weight of the man's body 
against her vulva.  Looking up into his questioning eyes she 
decided it would be better if she didn't tell him what she knew 
about the horrors to come.

    "Uh, I'm David" he said in a strained voice.  Despite the 
fact that his face was forced only inches away from hers he found 
it hard to meet her eyes.  Nonetheless it was a beginning.  Part of 
his mind was already forming questions.

    Susan thought again about his hardness in her secret 
passage, the weight of him on her and all the other things that 
made her miserable.  She knew he already knew his name; Jennifer 
had used it yesterday afternoon.  What could she say to him, now, 
like this?  She felt tears form in her eyes, gulped out her name to 
him and then looked away, embarrassed.

    "What's going on?"  His voice was stronger now.  He was 
thinking again, hungry for information.

    Without turning her head back Susan gave him her 
prepared answer.  "I can't tell you", she sobbed and then looked up 
at him.  "Trust me.  It's better that you don't know what else they 
could do to us."

    David wasn't satisfied but one look at his bound partner 
told him that her mind was made up.  His neck was sore from 
trying to lift his head up so he could see her properly.  He lay his 
head down next to hers and resigned himself to wait for now.  His 
mind ran through question after question while his body ached and 
hurt.  There was so much he wanted to know and yet part of him 
knew now was not the time to press the issue.

    Three long, painful hours later Jennifer breezed into the 
room and inspected her charges.  "Well, did we have fun last 
night?"  Neither patient bothered even to moan.  Both breathed a 
sigh of relief when she began to release the cuffs that held David 
in place.  "Susan, dear, have you been telling young David all our 
secrets?"  Jennifer stared at the girl long enough to let her know 
that an answer was expected.  A gentle shake of her tear stained 
face was all she could manage.  "Well that's good", Jennifer 
continued, "we wouldn't want to spoil any surprises for him would 

    As soon as he felt the handcuff close around his wrist 
David knew he was about to undergo the bathroom routine.  His 
whole body trembled with dread and he felt tears form in his eyes.
    In her well appointed study one floor below Samantha 
watched Jennifer lead the handcuffed young man toward the 
showers and then turned off the closed circuit monitor.  She leaned 
back in her executive chair and enjoyed the feeling of things going 
well.  If David thought he was miserable now, he would certainly 
be changing his mind in a few days.

    She wondered when David would next rebel.  Jennifer had 
handled him well yesterday.  He seemed placid today.  Maybe she 
should bring him downstairs and humiliate him a little, taunt his 
male ego.  She flipped through the catalogue pages of the control 
devices she wanted to test on David and decided to let him reach 
his own boiling point.

    Susan was another matter.  Referring to the girl as her 
niece had been strictly a fabrication for David's benefit.  Until a 
few months ago Susan had been Sam's submissive lover.  It had 
been fun to bind and humiliate her but once Jennifer arrived on the 
scene she had been relegated to permanent slave status.  Jennifer 
loved to torment her predecessor and it amused Sam to watch.

    There were so many things to try out that Sam wanted to 
rush upstairs and start right away.  First things first, she reminded 
herself.  David's ultimate conversion to submissiveness should be 
savoured and enjoyed, not rushed through.  Nonetheless, it 
wouldn't hurt to have some fun.  She turned on her monitor and 
then picked up her intercom phone.  She watched Jennifer emerge 
from the bathroom where David was still hanging by his wrists and 
pick up the receiver.  She couldn't mask the husky pleasure in her 
voice as she gave the order, "Start his incontinence training and 
tell him what you're doing.  I want to watch his face."

    She heard Jennifer giggle her sensuous, wicked laugh.  
"What about Susan?"

    Sam paused to think for a moment and then chuckled.  "I 
suspect she's behind in her dilation therapy.  Use the moisture 
sensors.  We'll need her totally incontinent too for the diaper tests."  
Jennifer giggled again and hung up.  Sam watched her return to the 
bathroom and then stood up and walked around her desk, studying 
her reflection in the full length mirror on the back of the door.  Her 
tailored black silk suit gave her an air of power and authority.  It's 
tight skirt ended just above her knees, showing plenty of leg.  She 
turned and checked the seams on her black silk stockings.  They 
ran true from their reinforced heels.  Her four-inch black patent 
spike pumps made her feel even more powerful.  She felt the first 
stirring of arousal.  She wanted to see both of her slaves admire 
her, want her and fear her.  She wasn't going to disappoint them.

    Like her mistress, Jennifer wanted David to rebel.  Passive 
slaves weren't any fun unless they had been broken.  And she knew 
from experience that passivity in an unbroken subject was at best 
temporary.  It was better to bait the individual in a controlled 
setting than to have them catch you off guard.

    She dried David with the rough towels kept for the purpose 
and evaluated his condition.  He wasn't stiff and tired any more.  
His eyes were alert and his attempts to gain some comfort against 
the cuffs betrayed that there was plenty of strength left in him.  
She was deliberately rough with his shaven balls and penis.  "My, 
how baby like.  Does it like being in diapers?"  She played with it 
gently enough to start an erection.  "I see he likes me.  Well, don't 
you worry we've got some nice big, thick diapers and a fresh pair 
of plastic pants ready for you."

    Despite being reminded of what lay ahead for him David 
could not help but become erect.  Her hands were warm and soft 
and he wanted more of what she was giving even though he knew 
he was being taunted.

    Still addressing herself to his penis, Jennifer sent in another 
barb.  "So you want me to put you in diapers.  I suppose we can't 
expect any better from a skinny, wimpy little thing like you."  She 
abruptly wrenched at the semi-erect member and then slapped 
David's balls hard enough to make him groan in pain.  
Immediately his penis deflated.  She looked up into his face 
contorted with pain and anger and smiled sweetly, pleased she had 
made him respond.  Now if he would just try something.

    Jennifer deliberately ignored the handcuffs as she prepared 
to take David back into the nursery.  And while she held his arms 
behind him she made sure her grip was loose enough to give him a 
chance to try an escape.

    David had resolved not to try anything but that was before 
she had slapped his balls.  He could still feel the nauseous feelings 
in his groin and it called up his anger and indignation at being 
humiliated and tortured.  When he noticed that the cuffs weren't 
being used and that Jennifer's grip was slack he began to plan.  
This time he wouldn't under estimate her.

    The changing table, already laid out with fresh diapers for 
him, was about five feet away when he suddenly twisted out of her 
grasp, turned and drove his fist into her stomach.  The slightly 
built nurse folded up and went down on her knees.  David grabbed 
a pair of handcuffs left nearby and pried her hands free of her 
abdomen so he could fasten them behind her back.  Robbed of 
breath by the blow she glared up at him and gasped for air, her 
eyes fired by anger.

    David took a moment to think.  He looked over at the still 
bound Susan.  She stared at him with wild eyes.  "Just go!" she 
hissed at him.  "Leave me.  There's things you don't know.  They'll 
not care so much if you don't take me!"  

    But her words only called forth David's male vanity.  One 
look at the helpless form, bound to the bed wearing diapers and 
those rubber sex pants told him he could not leave her to the 
certain wrath that would follow his escape.  He ripped the keys out 
of Jennifer's uniform pocket and went to Susan's crib.

    Later, David would realize that rescuing Susan was his 
fatal mistake.  Samantha had seen the action in the monitor 
reflected in the mirror.  Smiling broadly she went back to her desk 
and took a small aerosol can from the top drawer.

    It didn't take David long to release Susan from her bonds 
but she was weak and couldn't walk very well with the rubber 
sheath still inside her.  "You'll never make it." Jennifer gasped as 
they passed her.  David made no reply.  He was busy looking for 
the door key.

    As he fumbled with the keys and the door lock David 
realized that he was naked and Susan was in no condition to be 
seen in public.  But there was nothing he could do about it for 
now.  He would find something for them to wear, somehow.

    It was taking too long to find the right key.  Jennifer wasn't 
gagged and it was only a matter of time before she started to call 
out and raise the alarm.  He thought about going back to take care 
of that problem but decided it would waste too much time.  From 
the corner of his eye he noticed Susan turn and lean against the 
wall.  She was exhausted and very uncomfortable, her arms hung 
limp and she stared at the floor.  Her absence of enthusiasm struck 
a chord of suspicion in David's mind but he ignored it.

    Finally the lock turned.  David pulled open the door while 
reaching for Susan.  When he looked back again he was just in 
time to see Samantha spray something in his face before he 
blacked out

                          CHAPTER FOUR

    As he rose upward toward consciousness David groaned 
from the pounding in his head.  Gradually he realized he must be 
on the obstetrical table.  The metal stirrups dug into his legs and 
his arms had been bound over his head.  From the chill on his skin 
he sensed he was naked.

    He had the presence of mind not to open his eyes right 
away.  As his mind recovered from the stun spray he remembered 
the failed escape attempt and tried to figure out what went wrong.

    A series of muffled painful whimpers drifted to his ears.  
Susan.  What were they doing to her?  There were sounds of 
thrashing against bonds and then more whimpers.  It didn't sound 

    A hand slapped his face and Jennifer's voice was close, 
"Wake up you pig!"  Reluctantly he opened his eyes and saw that 
both Samantha and the nurse were standing beside him.  The 
expressions on their faces told him he was in for a rough time.

    "Nice try, David."  Samantha said softly as she idly stroked 
his bared genitals.  "I appreciate spirit.  It makes things so much 
more exciting."  She walked casually to a table out of David's sight 
while she spoke,  "But Jennifer is quite annoyed and she would 
like a little revenge.  I'm inclined to let her have her way."  She 
picked up something from the table and began to walk back.  "I 
hope you've come to like diapers, David because from now on 
you're going to have to wear them all the time."

    Jennifer took something from Samantha's hands and held it 
up so David could see it.  He didn't recognized much of the tangle 
of tubes and wires.  "After a day in this rig you'll never be able to 
control your water again."  She paused, waiting for the panic to 
cross his face, and was rewarded.  "This makes you want to pee all 
the time.  It rewards you by making you horny.  Your body 
quickly learns not to hold its water."

    David didn't understand very much but one thing was 
abundantly clear; he didn't want to be incontinent.  He felt his 
mouth open in panic, words hung in his throat.  "No" he croaked.

    Jennifer didn't reply.  She began fitting a rubber sheath 
over his flaccid penis.  David convulsed against his bonds to no 
avail.  He was bound very tightly and not even his panic driven 
adrenalin was enough to earn him an inch toward freedom.  Even 
though it made his head pound all the worse he strained to watch 
as she fitted the strange device to his body.

    Samantha gently pushed his head back and stroked his 
brow, her voice soft and soothing, "Don't fret, so.  It's actually 
quite pleasant, once you get used to it.  We could use more painful 
methods to make you incontinent but this one is so much fun to 
watch.  Just relax.  You'll see what we mean very soon."

    David let his body go limp and moaned loudly.  He thought 
of the first time they had diapered him and his revulsion.  What 
would it be like to have to endure that every day.  "Please," he 
gasped, "you can't do this to me.  I mean, why?  What good does it 
do you?"

    Jennifer had fastened something to his penis and now she 
was pushing something up his anus, a slim plastic probe.  He felt it 
touch his prostate gland and involuntarily flinched.  She looked up, 
smiled and did something to fasten the probe in place.

    "It does us a lot of good, David."  Samantha's voice pulled 
his attention away from Jennifer's activities.  "I told you we're here 
to test invalid care products.  If you are truly incontinent it just 
makes the test results all that more valid."

    A new series of whimpers drifted over from Susan's crib.  
Samantha looked over at her and smiled.  "Your friend's getting a 
similar treatment but it's her rear end she won't be able to control."  
Looking down at David she gave him her best Mistress smile.  "Do 
you wan to know the gory details?"  David shook his head but she 
ignored it.  "There are moisture sensors in her diaper, at the back 
where it takes the urine a while to get to.  Unless those sensors are 
kept wet they send a current to a special dildo in her anus.  Every 
time the dildo gets a jolt it expands in diameter by about four 
milimetres.  The sensors activate once every ten minutes.  Susan is 
on constant liquid feed, as you will soon be, but I suspect she 
hasn't wetted herself quite enough yet to reach the sensors."

    The questions in David's mind were written across his face.  
Samantha gave a condescending smile and continued, "It's quite 
simple.  We dilate her anus so much she can't keep it closed.  
Aside from wearing a plug up there she'll be in diapers the rest of 
her life too."  Her expression became a little more serious, "Maybe 
you two should plan on staying together.  You could buy diapers 
in bulk."

    David did the only thing he was capable of.  The scream of 
terror came from deep within his soul.  It was abruptly choked off 
when Samantha jammed the pacifier into his mouth and buckled 
its straps tightly.

    An hour later David was moaning in pleasure even though 
part of him was full of panic at the gradual process that would 
soon rob him of any ability to hold his water.  They had put him 
into a strait jacket and hobbled his ankles with fur lined leather 
cuffs, attached a bag of juice to a pole on wheels and his pacifier, 
then left him alone to wander the room and concentrate on what 
was happening to him.

    He had to admit it was ingenious and effective.  Every little 
spurt of his urine was captured by the penis sheath and delivered 
through a tube to the plastic probe that pressed against his prostate 
gland, the source of male pleasure.  The warm spray was enough 
to incite erection and orgasm but an electrical sensor also made the 
probe vibrate gently for a few minutes.  His body couldn't resist 
the temptation to bring on the pleasure again and again.  He had 
orgasmed several times and now his climaxes were dry, almost 
painful but he couldn't stop himself from suckling hard on the bulb 
in his mouth, willing the fluid through his system, anxious for 
more water to make things feel good again.

    After an hour he began to feel light headed and wondered 
if the juice carried a drug.  When Jennifer came in with a portable 
tape player and without a word set a tape of classical music 
playing he didn't seem to mind.  She replaced both his and Susan's 
juice bags and then left as silently as she had come and she had 
been gone quite a while before he noticed.

    The panic seemed to be fading.  He felt quite good about it 
all.  He shuffled over to Susan who lay bound spread-eagled to her 
crib and looked down at her.  Her hips writhed constantly and 
while she looked more peaceful there was still much terror in the 
eyes that peered at him over the rim of her pacifier.  Now and then 
her face would contort with pain and she would cry into her gag as 
the anal intruder grew in size again.

    He wanted to talk to her but it was quite impossible.  He 
felt no frustration at this, just a growing sense of acceptance of 
himself, this world, everything.  Susan kept trying to tell him 
something but her pacifier kept it all to muffled nonsense.  He 
didn't care that he couldn't understand her.  He didn't care about 

                          CHAPTER FIVE

    Jennifer traced the outline of the deep blue bruise on her 
tummy while she waited for Samantha to come back from the 
washroom.  The morning's developments had turned Sam on and 
Jennifer knew better than to refuse her Mistress when she was in 
such a mood.

    She like Sam's bed.  The black satin sheets smelled of her 
perfume and it made her feel very sexy.  Sam wasn't always 
willing to bring her here for their lovemaking, she like having a 
few `accessories' handy and insisted that Jennifer keep them in her 
room.  But there had been no spankings or whipping this time, just 
wonderful fulfilment.

    Sam came back nude.  She had a fine body that many a 
man had hungered for but few had penetrated.  Sam was bisexual 
but always dominant and a lot of her males hadn't liked the flavour 
at all.  One look at the expression on Sam's face told her that she 
wasn't going to be spared the next little ritual, the one she hated the 
most and therefore Sam insisted on the most.

    Her mistress casually picked up the little pile of chains 
attached to the oval metal plate as if it were a discarded pair of 
panties.  "Does the bruise hurt much?" she asked tenderly, 
deliberately ignoring what she held in her hand.

    Jennifer hated the tactic.  She liked to draw things out, to 
make the whole issue that much more distasteful.  "Uh, yeah."  She 
stared at the coiled chastity belt in Sam's hand.  "I guess it won't 
earn me a reprieve from the iron maiden though, will it?"

    Sam smiled with amusement, "No, sweetie, it won't."  She 
walked to the side of the bed and traced a long red fingernail over 
Jennifer's shaven pubis.  "Quite frankly I don't know why you keep 
asking about it.  I've never let you go without it yet."  She let her 
finger get busier, burrowing between the soft lips.  It excited her to 
think of Jennifer being turned on whenever she locked her up.

    The nurse moaned and parted her legs a little.  Maybe she 
could coax another session that would cool Sam's love for the 
damn thing.  "You know I would be good.  I wouldn't go off and 
sneak orgasms somewhere without you."  She was deliberately 
being patronizing but she figured she had little to lose.

    Sam waited until she had elicited another moan from her 
charge before she replied.  "I trust you but wearing it keeps you 
frustrated and makes you come up with the most wonderful ideas 
for our two little toys upstairs.  I think you should assume the 
position now."

    Jennifer wished Sam would come up with another phrase 
for asking her to go to the wall and lean against it spread-eagle, 
waiting for her Mistress to apply the chastity belt.  The words 
grated on her and she was about to say something and then thought 
the better of it.  Sam could always make it a little tighter, just for 
the hell of it.  So without a word she went to the wall and waited 
for the first touch of the cold, hard metal between her legs and the 
unforgiving chains that would bind it to her body until Sam 
decided otherwise.

    Sam had designed the belt herself and expertly snugged it 
up before locking it.  It featured an oval metal plate that covered 
the entire vulva and prevented anything from getting access to the 
tender little nerve endings that would bring pleasure.  A small slit 
down the center allowed urine to drain and the rear chains parted 
before the anus and therefore didn't interfere with its function.  
The belt could be left in place for quite some time and she loved 
reading the letters from her customers who competed with each 
other to report the longest continual confinement in a chastity belt.  
There were some pretty unhappy women out there, thanks to Sam.

    "There you are, nice and tight.  Are we comfy?"  She loved 
to tease Jennifer about the belt and doubted she would ever allow 
the girl to be without it. It was just too much fun to keep her 
locked up and Sam knew she would never have a lover who was 
too tired or too spent to see to her needs.

    Jennifer didn't answer.  Careful not to look too sullen she 
went back to the bed and started to dress by putting on her garter 

    The two women went to Sam's office and turned on the 
monitor.  David was still wandering the nursery although he often 
stopped and stared at Susan for a while.  Sam turned to the nurse, 
"Will Susan need another session of this?"

    "No.  I set the maximum to a size where she'll never be 
able to control herself again; not without surgery."  

    Sam smiled.  It served the little bitch right for refusing her 
more ambitious desires.  "What about David?"

    "He's euphoric because of the drugs and the post-hypnotic 
suggestion tape.  His trigger for soiling himself is `sale'.  I'd love 
to take him to a shopping mall and see what happens."

    "Out of the question.  We've too much to do here.  But 
we'll have some fun just before we release him.  What do you want 
to do to them tomorrow?"

    They planned out the next few days of testing for their 
captives.  If the bound and diapered couple in the room above 
them could of guessed their fates, not even drugs could have 
buoyed their spirits.

                           CHAPTER SIX

    David awoke from a dream in which someone had been 
whispering into his ear.  He couldn't remember what the person 
was saying, just that something was being repeated over and over.

    It was only when he turned over to lie on his back that he 
suddenly realized he wasn't bound.  He sat up and looked around.

    There were strange mittens on his hands that made them 
useless by holding his fingers inside stiff sleeves.  His crib cage 
was locked.  He wasn't going anywhere.  He looked down at the 
translucent plastic pants that covered his night thickness diaper.  
He couldn't remember much past being confined in the strait jacket 
and the pleasure he got from peeing.

    Almost as soon as he thought of the subject a warm jet of 
urine flooded into his diaper.  He was shocked.  Then a second 
burst followed by a steady stream.  It was happening by itself, he 
was helpless to control it.  He tried to find the muscles, to control 
it, to make it stop but nothing happened.  Suddenly he remembered 
what Sam had said while he was strapped to the table.  The panic 
took his breath away.

    Susan stirred and David called to her.  She too was free 
inside her locked crib except for her hands.  She started to sit up 
but cried out in pain and rolled onto her side instead.  She let out a 
sob and then started to cry. "They've done it!" she sobbed, "they 
really did it!"  She looked up at David's puzzled face and almost 
angrily said, "I'm soiling myself and I can't help it.  I can't stop the 
pee either.  And it hurts so bad!"

    Embarrassed by her admission David lay back down and 
wondered why he couldn't remember anything.  When had they 
taken the strait jacket off?  Had they been given dinner?  Then his 
mind turned to his own condition.  The old gutwrenching panic 
crept into him.  He  felt the hot, sodden diaper pinned tightly 
around his waist and grimaced at the thought that these feelings 
might become a normal part of waking up.  Even as he slumped 
into despair more pee escaped without his consent.

    Jennifer breezed in and began to prepare for the morning 
diaper change.  "This will be your first day as adult babies so we're 
going to make it special!"  Her tone was mother-to-child, 
condescending.  "We'll get you both fixed up in these brand new 
diapers and then you can play in the garden for a while."  David 
watched her sullenly.

    Jennifer went to a cupboard and removed some wide straps.  
When she came over to his crib, David saw they were made of 
thick white plastic but otherwise were copies of the leather cuffs 
used on the beds.  Before lowering the crib side she went to the 
fixed side of the crib and tied David's left ankle to the bars.  "You 
were bad yesterday.  We can't take any chances with you.  These 
are permanent cuffs that you can even wear in the shower.  Isn't 
that convenient?  Now be good while I get you fitted."

    Despite his black mood David offered no resistance while 
Jennifer fitted his wrists and ankles with the wide plastic.  There 
were no locks, just a permanent bonding glue.  These would have 
to be cut off if they were ever removed and the reinforcing wires 
inside the plastic would make even that a serious job.  Each cuff 
did feature a thick brass ring mounted with rivets.  David instantly 
understood the utility of these devices.

    When she had finished with his limbs Jennifer measured 
his neck.  David didn't like that at all but said nothing while he 
watched her add four rings and then prepare to fit the collar 
permanently.  She made sure his arms and legs were well secured 
with short lengths of chain and locks before working on his neck.

    David expected her to work on Susan next but instead she 
went to a cupboard and returned with a wide leather belt.  After 
ordering him to stand she fastened it about his waist.  A long loop 
of leather dangled down from the front of the belt.  This loop had a 
buckle which allowed it to be made smaller or larger.  David was 
puzzled.  He noticed that Jennifer was working quickly, as if to 
accomplish something before he guessed her intention.  She 
unlocked his wrists only to rejoin them behind his back with about 
six inches of chain.  Then she went behind him.

    As soon as he felt her pull the loop of leather between his 
legs he guessed at the cruelty of her intentions.  But it was too late 
to fight.  His ankles were hobbled only a few inches apart and his 
hands were useless.  Suddenly he felt the chain between his wrists 
being pulled downward as Jennifer tightened the loop.  It forced 
him to bend over backward.  There was a pause while she fastened 
the buckle and then she stepped away.  As soon as he tried to 
straighten up he knew his guess was right.

    Unless he leaned backward the leather between his legs 
was pulled painfully tight.  David moaned in frustration as he 
moved his torso back and forth trying to avoid the pressure 
between his legs on one extreme and an aching back on the other.  
He looked up at his tormentor with anger and hate in his eyes even 
as he grimaced in his forced posture.  "You bitch." he muttered 
under his breath.

    Jennifer studied him with her arms crossed on her chest, a 
broad smile of satisfaction telling him she enjoyed the sight of his 
distress.  "I heard that, baby.  Just for that I'm going to let you 
know right now that we have a sale on for rough treatment."

    It seemed to David that an electric current was running 
through his body.  To his horror he was suddenly overcome with a 
maddening need to shit.  His mind became obsessed with this need 
even though there seemed little enough effluent in his system.  
Almost of its own accord his body strained to meet the command.  
He groaned and gasped as he struggled to deliver.  Weakened by 
the effort he sank to his knees, feeling the cold floor against his 
flesh.  "Don't fight, it baby.  You won't be happy until you fill your 
pants so you might as well get on with it."

    Now he knew why she had put the belt on him.  Its cruel 
straps between his legs pressed the thick, sodden diaper against his 
rear passage making it all the more difficult to carry out this 
sudden, desperate, ultimate mission.  He wanted to cry, to 
complain, to protest but he had energy and attention for only one 

    Finally, it was happening.  Every inch was a might struggle 
but slowly he forced it out against the tight padding and the 
pressure from the strap.  He hated the feel of it.

    When he had stopped gasping she made him stand up.  
That only made things worse since the effluent was spread around 
inside his diaper.  He shuddered at the thought of what it must look 
like, what it must smell like.  In his forced half crouch he glared 
up at her, now hoping against hope that she would at least loosen 
the strap a little but instead she just turned on her heel and went 
over to Susan.

    Unfortunately for her, Susan had been subjected to the 
same hypnotic tape and therefore Jennifer's use of the trigger word 
had caused an unintended crisis for the poor girl.  Distressed 
enough at her own bowel incontinence,  Susan had been coping 
with her own critical need to expel while David had been suffering 
Jennifer's revenge.  Now the poor girl lay on her back, knees 
pulled up over her chest, gasping in the accomplishment of her 
mission.  But she was emotionally destitute and looked up at 
Jennifer through tears of frustration and despair.  "You've ruined 
me!" she sobbed.

    "Shut up or you'll get the same as him!" was Jennifer's 
reply as she started to fit the girl for her permanent plastic cuffs.

    An hour later much had been accomplished to prepare the 
two babies for their promised outing in the garden.  When 
Samantha came up to the nursery she found them kneeling on the 
cold concrete floor at the foot of their respective cribs.  With wrist 
cuffs clipped to ankle cuffs they were quite harmless and yet very 
uncomfortable.  They were each wearing a prototype of an extra 
thick disposable diaper intended for over night use in nursing 
homes and although it had been only a few minutes since change 
time the incontinence measures of the previous day were taking 

    Beside each bound form was a pole with a feeding bag 
hanging from it.  The bland paste travelled down the translucent 
tubes to the pacifier bulbs which force fed it to David and Susan.  
Several bags of fluid waited near each patient.  David shifted 
uncomfortably, feeling himself wet uncontrollably while Susan 
whimpered and cried a little as she felt her diaper grow heavier 
with effluent she could no longer control.

    The Mistress inspected the cuffing arrangements on the 
victims and congratulated Jennifer on the work.  "We will 
definitely recommend this product.  It's very effective, especially 
for long term patients."

    "It's sure effective on them." 

    "And their diapers?"

    "The prototypes you specified.  We should be able to leave 
them in place until after lunch if they're as good as they claim to 
be."  This last comment brought a moan of despair from both 
David and Susan.

    Samantha turned to address her captives.  "It looks like 
you're being very helpful in our research.  That's appreciated.  
After breakfast you can both go out to the garden for a little while, 
" she paused for effect, "with suitable precautions in place".

    `Suitable precautions' turned out to be almost unbearable.  
Tightly hobbled at the ankles, their mittened hands bound behind 
them, David and Susan stared at each other in the bright sunlight.  
Jennifer had fitted Susan with a rubber bra that already was dark 
with sweat patches.  The poor girl made little jumping motions to 
try and alleviate the incessant itch she could not scratch.  For 
David Sam had produced weighted nipple clamps, the cruel metal 
teeth of which still felt red hot.  Each step, every little movement 
renewed the pain.  But at least they were not gagged and finally 
could talk. 

    The July sun beat down on them out of a clear sky and 
there was no shade in sight.  David already felt thirsty, even after 
three bags of juice that now trickled uncontrolled into his diaper.  
There was so much to talk about but where to begin.

    "Maybe we can escape or attract some attention," he said 
softly, hopefully.

    "Forget it.  I've been out here before.  First of all we're out 
in the middle of nowhere.  Second, the garden is fenced and 
enclosed by thick hedges.  We won't be seen or heard."  She 
gasped a little and then started to walk with her legs as wide apart 
as her hobbles will allow.

    David wanted to ask her about her condition but it was 
somehow too awful a subject.  "Why are they doing this to us?  
What are we here for?"

    She looked up at him, her soft eyes misty from her 
discomforts.  For the first time he realized how pretty she was.  He 
truly felt sorry for her.  "They really are testing equipment.  She 
gets paid very well for it.  Think about it for a moment, would 
anybody volunteer for this?"  She paused and they took a few of 
the tiny steps their chains would allow.  "But they also like what 
they're doing.  Samantha's a sadist and Jennifer's no Florence 
Nightingale, as you've discovered for yourself."

    "How did you get here?  Did they kidnap you?"  David had 
to gasp from the pain at his nipples.  The sun was warming his 
diaper, trapping heat inside his plastic pants and making him very 
itchy down there.

    "No.  I used to be Sam's secretary, then her lover.  Last 
month she brought Jennifer back with her from a vacation.  They 
had a lot of fun keeping me bound and in diapers for a few weeks.  
When they finally let me leave I went back to the city but all my 
friends were gone and I couldn't find a job.  I got drunk one night 
and called Sam and asked to be taken back.  I didn't think they 
would imprison me, just make me do the dirty stuff.  I was 
wrong."  She wiggled her torso a bit and cursed the hot rubber of 
the bra.  "And now," she started to sob, "I've been condemned to a 
life in diapers!"  The tears began rolling down her cheeks and she 
turned her head away.  David watched her spread her legs a little 
and shift on her feet in discomfort as she soiled herself again.  The 
steady, uncontrolled trickle into his own diapers reminded him he 
was not much better off.  He started to feel depressed.

    David felt awkward about her mentioning her condition.  
"You can get it corrected by surgery."  He tried to sound hopeful.

    She looked back at him, her head cocked to one side, "And 
just what to I tell the doctors?  Sam has some very embarrassing 
photos of me doing some very embarrassing things, some of which 
could be the cause of my incontinence.  She used to have this 
special chastity belt she liked to make me wear out in public.  It 
had a dildo for my cunt and a bigger dildo for my rear.  She 
thought it was great fun to lock it on, leave the keys at home and 
spend the day at a mall."

    David got the point.  He decided to change the subject.  "So 
Jennifer is her new lover?"

    "And slave.  Sam likes to be in total control.  She made me 
wear a chastity belt at all times.  I doubt its any different for 
Jennifer.  Sam likes the thought of her lovers being constantly 
aroused but prevented from doing anything about it.  Sam likes to 
own people."

    David thought about that for a moment.  He started to get 
aroused at the thought of chastity belts but a flood of unwelcome 
pee cooled his excitement.  "So what's to become of us?"

    "Don't worry, they won't kill us.  But they will tire of us.  
They'll probably use drugs and hypnosis to make us forget about 
this place or at least how to find it and then turn us loose.  They 
would get a big kick out of the thought of us being in diapers the 
rest of our lives."

    That kept David quiet for a while.  The sun was making 
things very uncomfortable and he began to wonder how much 
longer they would be left out in the garden.

    "Enjoy your little outing, my babies," Sam said to the 
empty room as she watched David and Susan on the closed circuit 
monitor, "you'll soon have much more to be unhappy about."  She 
turned off the monitor and went up the ward to see how Jennifer 
was making out.

    Presuming she would be alone for a while, Jennifer was 
sitting on a chair trying desperately to get underneath her chastity 
belt so she could scratch the incessant itch caused by her having to 
pee through it.  She had laid out an assortment of possible tools 
including a tongue depresser and a long handled comb.  So 
absorbed was she in her task that she didn't notice Sam's arrival in 
the doorway.

    "You're being bad!" the Mistress said in a soft voice that 
didn't hide her true displeasure.

    Jennifer's head snapped up in alarm.  One look at Sam's 
hard expression told her she was in for some bad times.  She fell 
onto her knees and began to crawl toward her Mistress.  "Oh, Sam!  
I'm sorry.  I really am.  It's just the itch.  I only wanted to scratch 
the itch."  She buried her face in Sam's skirt and actually began to 
cry.  "Please don't punish me!  Please don't be mean to me!"

    Sam looked down on the petulant girl in the nurse's 
uniform and smiled her most wicked smile.  "Don't worry, my 
dear.  I understand fully about how itchy a chastity belt can get 
after you've had to pee through it a few times."  She stroked 
Jennifer's blonde tresses and did her best to sound sincerely 
soothing.  "Why don't you lie down on the changing table and I'll 
fix you up."

    Jennifer looked up at her with tear stained eyes, searching 
for some reassurance that Sam wasn't being sarcastic.  But Sam's 
face was hard to read.  Nodding dumbly she rose and turned 
toward the table which was already laid out with diapers, ready for 
the next changing session.  Sam's hand on her shoulder stopped 

    "Your belt will have to come off first.  Hold still."  The 
same calm voice.  The reassuring absence of malice.  Jennifer 
looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

    Sam took the key she wore on a ring around her neck and 
after lifting the short nursing uniform skirt, opened the lock at the 
back of Jennifer's chastity belt.  The young girl sighed with relief 
as the hated instrument fell away.  At Sam's suggestion she took 
off her uniform.

    Sam watched her climb onto the padded table and place her 
legs in the stirrups.  Jennifer still wore her white stockings and 
garter belt and to Sam it made her seem all that more vulnerable.

    Jennifer couldn't resist the urge to scratch her tortured 
crotch.  Trusting in Sam's silent approval she let her hand travel 
down between her thighs and began to massage her bared pubic 
mound gently, being careful not to masturbate, for it would 
certainly have incurred her Mistress' wrath.

    Sam watched for a moment and then slowly went to the 
table.  She gently took her slave's wrists in her hands and brought 
them over her head to where the leather cuffs lay ready.  "Enough 
of that," she said softly "we can't be breaking all the rules in one 
afternoon."  Jennifer was mesmerized by her Mistress' attentions 
and didn't protest when she felt the cuffs being tightened about her 
wrists.  She knew Sam liked to have her bound when she gave 
pleasure and she fully expected that Sam was about to make her 
feel very good indeed.

    When Sam began to apply the leg straps Jennifer got a little 
concerned.  But her Mistress still wore that same reassuring smile 
and still gave no evidence of anything but sincere sympathy for her 

    She thought about the thick diapers beneath her bottom and 
wondered if her female scent would arouse David.  She made a 
mental note to make sure that he next wore these pads, heavy as 
they would be with the essence of her passion.  She awoke from 
her day dream to see Samantha standing between her bound legs 
with a catheter ready for insertion.

    "No!" she screamed as her body tensed in futile defence.  
"Oh please, Sam, not that!"  Jennifer struggled against her bonds to 
no avail.  Sam had applied them carefully.  Suddenly the diapers 
that caressed her bottom took on a whole new, sinister meaning.

    Her Mistress' face had lost it's innocence.  Now she wore 
the same expression that Jennifer had come to associate with heavy 
dominance.  Sam wanted her to be uncomfortable and she had 
been foolish enough to believe that her Mistress only intended to 
clean her up and give her pleasure.

    She watched in horror while Sam lubricated the catheter 
with long, careful strokes, making the procedure last as long as 
possible.  Jennifer began to sob.  "Sam, I don't deserve this.  Please 
don't do it to me!  You know what it's like.  I'll be good.  You don't 
have to put me into diapers."  She choked out the last words, 
hating the sound of them.

    "But you were bad," Sam said softly, "I don't 
make you wear a chastity belt so that you'll be comfortable.  I 
make you wear it so you'll think of me all the time.  When you try 
and get around it you're trying to get around me and I don't like 
that.  Not a bit."  Her face grew hard and menacing.  "Now you're 
going to pay for your transgressions.  I'm sure that a few days in 
diapers with a catheter up your clit will make you appreciate your 
chastity belt."

    Had the room not been sound proofed, David and Susan 
would have heard Jennifer's screams of dismay and torment as the 
slim plastic tube was pushed deep into her body.  Bound too 
tightly to struggle she was forced to accept her punishment but that 
didn't stop her from crying out her horror and dismay at its arrival.  
In the end she lay sobbing while her Mistress brought the extra 
thick cloth diapers up between her legs and pinned them tightly.  
Even before she was released from the straps and made to stand 
she could feel her hot pee flood into the folds of the waiting cloth, 
beginning a slow but steady descent into the hell of being kept in 
diapers as a punishment.

    Sam didn't have to warn her about resisting the rest of the 
measures.  Jennifer knew better than to try her Mistress' patience 
on such matters.  Sadly, with tears streamin down her face she 
stepped into the plastic panties that were handed to her and pulled 
them into place.  She didn't have to guess at what came next.  Sam 
passed the worn leather waist section of the retention belt around 
her slim hips and cinched it just too tight.  Then there was the 
painful and humiliating process of bringing the crotch piece into 
play from where it hung from the front of the belt.  

    Jennifer sighed out loud as she felt the crotch band pulled 
impossibly tight.  It was not that it hurt, just that it was tight.  And 
she knew from experience that the feelings would get much worse 
once the diaper was saturated with her urine and worse again if she 
had to have a bowel movement.  As the locks clicked shut in the 
small of her back, Sam spoke again.

    I think this little arrangement will cure you of your 
itchyiness.  If it doesn't, just let me know and I'll make sure that 
you'll have much worse to worry about."  She stepped back and 
admired her work.  "Your uniform covers far too much, my dear.  
Our babies can roast in the garden another hour while you take up 
the hem of your uniform by about three inches."  

    She turned on her spike heel and walked confidently to the 
door before turning to deliver the final spike in Jennifer's coffin of 
torment, "that way there will be no doubt in anybody's mind that 
you have been confined to diapers until I decide otherwise."

    Once she was sure that Sam had gone downstairs Jennifer 
took a few awkward steps.  It had been quite some time since her 
Mistress had used diapers on her and Jennifer found the sensations 
no less distasteful than before.  Her self-pity and tears turned to 
revenge.  She decided if she couldn't have it at Sam's expense then 
the two babies in the garden would have to pay.  One look at the 
list of things that Sam wanted her to test on the babies gave her 
enough ideas.  After a few minutes of preparation she went to 
fetch them.

                          CHAPTER SEVEN

    Caught from behind, David had to force himself not to 
struggle as the oversized pacifier was strapped into his mouth.  He 
caught Susan's eye and saw enough there to let him know that it 
was Jennifer at work and also that this would not be a good time to 
put up a fight.  When the buckles had been tightened to a painful 
degree he watched the nurse apply the same device to his 

    There was something different about Jennifer but he didn't 
yet know what.  Then she bent over a little to pick up the keys to 
the pacifier locks and he saw the bulging plastic pants, bisected by 
the retention belt, under the artificially short uniform.  
Remembering Susan's comments about Sam and her slaves David 
guessed that Jennifer was being given a rough time by Sam and 
that he and Susan were about to bear the brunt of it.

    Jennifer marched the pair into the house and up the stairs at 
a pace intended to make them very uncomfortable indeed.  David's 
nipple clamps burned badly and Susan's full diaper caused her 
much distress by the time they were back in the nursery.  David 
saw some things laid out ready for them but Jennifer applied 
blindfolds before he recognized anything.

    Cloaked in darkness the two prisoners listened to the tirade 
from their nurse.  "I hope you both enjoyed your little holiday in 
the garden because things are about to get more serious.  If you 
think you've been uncomfortable so far, well then let me assure 
you that you're wrong.  In a few hours you'll beg me to be able to 
go back to what you're experiencing now."  She was speaking 
rapidly.  David could tell she was wound up, likely from her own 
discomfort.  "If either of you give me even a second's worth of 
trouble you'll both pay for it in spades."  Jennifer paused to catch 
her breath.  "David, don't you move.  Susan, I'm going to clean 
you up and then put you on the table.  Don't you dare try 

    David stood still in his blind world that contained only the 
sensations of his soaked diapers, humid plastic pants and the 
plastic cuffs that hobbled and controlled him.  
    He listened to the now familiar sounds of Susan being 
hauled into the shower room and roughly cleaned up.  Jennifer was 
obviously on the war path; three times he heard her slap her patient 
for not cooperating enough.  By the time he sensed their return 
Susan was sobbing softly and Jennifer was breathing hard.

    David couldn't interpret the sounds of struggle, moans, 
slaps and squeak of rubber as Jennifer carried out her promise of 
torture.  By the time he sensed that she might be finished with his 
mate he was intensely curious and had almost forgotten that his 
turn was coming.

    The clang of Susan's crib and Jennifer's growl of "Since 
you like to shit so much we'll see how you like playing with it."

    Then he felt her behind him, her fingers working at the 
fastenings of his hood.  "This, you gotta see to appreciate," she 
muttered just before the light blinded him.

    As his vision cleared David had a difficult time 
understanding what he was seeing.  Susan seemed to be kneeling 
in her crib, bent over so that her breasts touched the mattress.  A 
pregnant bag of paste hung over her bed and David didn't have to 
see her face to know that its tube was connected to her feeding 

    It was her arms that gave him the greatest concern.  They 
were drawn back as if handcuffed in the small of her back.  But 
they weren't handcuffed.  Instead of the glimmer of chrome steel 
her arms seemed to disappear into two tubes that were built into 
the back of her reinforced rubber pants.

    Jennifer dragged him over.  "See that?" she panted, "the 
panties hold her hands over her ass.  Now every time her big hole 
back there delivers a load of shit she'll feel it with her fingers!  
Neat, eh?  It's intended as a punishment item for institutions."

    David felt so sad for Susan.  The paste was likely laced 
with a laxative.  And by the curve of her back the girl had to be in 
agony.  He heard her whimper and wished he could to something 
to help her.  When Jennifer's grip on his arm tightened he felt his 
body tense with fear.  It was his turn now.

- a spanking cream: applied to buttocks to give the same results as 
a spanking but with no visible after effects.

- auto-enema: tube from male external cathetre to high colon tube -
causes cramping but saves the nurses from having to administer an 

- anti-rash pants: tight rubber pants that have openings for uretha 
and anus, used on patients with advanced diaper rash: principle is 
that effluent never touches skin.

- Susan's hands bound inside the back of her diaper;    intended for 
use to discourage elderly patients from soiling themselves.

- david made to wear external catheter with tube up his ass

- susan put into a chastity belt, diaper and fed sex stimulants

- downstairs for breakfast?

- new laxatives?

- behaviour control devices:

- erection sensor that dilates anus

- moisture censor same thing
they are put into these things and then made to watch porn movies

- made incontinent through positive reinforcement technique 
where peeing stimulates his prostate


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