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Archive-name: JourEntr/j916-193.txt
Archive-author: Elf Matheiu Sternberg
Archive-title: Travellogue, Day 11

Travellogue 193 / 0916

     "Hey, guys, you have to get up!  Please, please answer the door!"
Nickolai awoke to the sounds of pounding.  The voice was unmistakably

     "mrf?" Furry said, still not entirely awake.

     "It's Skii," Nickolai replied.

     "mrf," Furry replied.

     Nickolai sighed and climbed out of bed, opening the door slightly
and peering out.  Skii was standing there, fully dressed.  "Oh good,
you're awake.  It's nearly dawn, and I promised Ken we'd have the bikes
back by one, and I've got to get Fadi back to the tour for breakfast.
Could you guys hurry up and get dressed and all?"

     Nickolai stared for a second, collecting his thoughts.  Yes, he had
agreed to go with Skii, and yes, Skii had agreed to get the Jialani's
back by one.  "Give us a minute."

     "Thank you thank you thank you," Skii replied.

     Nickolai closed the door and wandered back to the bed, pulling up
the netting on Furry's side of the bed.  He paused for a second, staring
down at her, quietly curled onto her side, only her head sticking out
above the bedsheet.  He looked down at her sleeping form, fascinated by
her ears; they were large, mouselike ears set at slight angles from the
vertical.  He reached down and traced the outer edge of the one visible
to him; it flickered under his touch.  He smiled and bent over, kissing
her inside the 'cup' of her ear.  She murmured something unintelligable,
and he whispered "It's time to get up."

     "Hmph," she said.  Well, he thought, that pretty clearly explains
her position on that.

     "We did promise to get the bikes back by one."

     "What time is it?" she groaned.

     "Almost dawn."

     "Hmph," she repeated.  "Okay, I'm getting up."

     "Good," he replied, "Or else I'd have to tickle you."

     She stuck her tongue out at him, and he leaned over to kiss her.
"Good morning," he said.

     "You too," she sighed.  They both quickly clambered into the
clothing they had been wearing the night before.  Nickolai felt sweaty,
sticky, and he thought his smell wasn't too great, either.  Furry looked
disheveled, the fur of her body in chaotic whorl patterns from lying in

     "We need a shower," he observed.

     "Yeah," she smiled.  "But let's get the bikes back first."

     "Actually, before that, we have to go to Carraraug."

     "Oh, that's right- Fadi has to go back, doesn't he?"


     "Let's get moving then," she said, pulling on her shoes and dashing
for the door.  Skii and Fadi were standing outside.  If Skii was
nervous, Fadi appeared stunned... by the frenetic pace of morning or by
the athletics of last night, Nickolai couldn't tell.  They quickly found
their bikes and flew out of the barn where E'Lyn had stored them,
reaching 300kph and maintaining that speed all the way to Rocchodain,
through which Skii slowed down.  Past the town, he again went full-bore
until Carraraug.  The entire trip took under ten minutes.  Skii's voice
over the intercom said "Five minutes to Rocchodain, four to the castle. 
That gives us... six minutes to spare."

     "Where do you think he got that number?" Furry asked Nickolai.

     "Probably giving us a spare minute or two."

     They stopped at the hotel, where Skii and Fadi had a breif,
friendly kiss before Fadi disappeared into the hotel.  "Write me," Skii
said as the doors closed behind him.

     "They never do," he said to Nickolai and Furry.  "Let's get going."
With a quick turn, he sped out of Carraraug and they followed close
behind, reaching the Castle vehicle bay with three minutes to spare.
"Wonderful," he sighed.  "Just made it."

     As they walked down the hallway, Skii said, "I want to thank you
guys for being here and being so helpful.  I really like that little
place in Tuilpalya, but I haven't been able to get there with a date for
a long time, because Tuilpalya has no SDisk... have to get there by foot
or vehicle, and by foot is kinda out of the question when I have to get
there and back in one day."

     "How was your... 'date'?" Furry asked.

     "Wonderful," Skii sighed, his eyes glossing over slightly.  "They
usually are."

     "He seemed a little out of it this morning," Nickolai commented.

     "Well, we only got about seven hours of sleep last night."

     "You two were at it for five hours?" Furry asked, incredulous.

     "You know what happens... start fooling around and you lose all
track of time.  It happens all the time."

     Furry glanced at Nickolai, who shrugged, looking a little

     They reached the lagoon and, having grown used to the effect, dove
in as one for the underwater SDisk, appearing inside the Castle.
Nickolai and Furry excused themselves and made for their bedroom and the

     As Nickolai soaped her back with his fingers, Furry sighed gently,
but it wasn't completely one of pleasure.  "What's wrong?" he asked.

     "I don't know," she said, turning around.  "I guess... I guess I'm
aware that tomorrow you're going to be packing your bags and your
memories, and watching Skii and Fadi, and his comment afterwards, makes
me wonder.  Nickolai, will you write me?  Will you still love me after
you go home to your human girlfriends and classmates and leave me six
light years behind?"

     "Furry... Jofuran.  I'm never going to forget you.  I don't know if
I'll be able to think about human girls after you.  I've discovered I
have a thing for your ears."

     She smiled, awkwardly.  "Promise?"

     "Promise.  I'll write you... well, if I promised to write you
everyday, they'd be very short and boring letters.  I'll write you every
time something interesting happens to me."

     "And I'll write you, too," she promised.  "Will you tell me about
your girlfriends?"

     "If you'll write about your boyfriends."

     "And my girlfriends?" she asked.

     "And your girlfriends, too.  Actually, that would be kind of...
interesting.  If you wrote down every sexy detail, I might have
something to tease my roommates with."

     She grinned and batted at his soft cock.  "You're so silly."

     "Hey, that hurt."

     "Sorry," she smiled.  "Let me kiss it and make it better."  She
bent over and kissed the base of his penis, then the head, then took the
entire soft length into her mouth.  He sighed as her tongue washed over
his penis.  When he was soft, he noticed, she could get the entire
length into her mouth, and the sensations were wonderfully strong.  She
slowly pulled away from his crotch, applying suction and actually
stretching his penis... that hurt too, but it hurt good, as it popped
out of her mouth.

     He smiled and said, "Let's get going... I'm really hungry."

     "Me, too," she said.

     They walked out together, having dressed in similar pale-yellow
jumpsuits again provided by Dave, and headed to the roof.  Shardik was
there with a PADD about three-quarters of a meter on a side, and was
going over it rapidly with a pen.  "TGACCTCCGGCT... Let's see, that's
four trios not counting the initializer... No, no, that doesn't read
correctly the other way.  Hi!" he said, putting down the pen and PADD.
"Sorry, just playing around right now.  How was the Inn?  As good as I

     "Perfect," Furry replied.  Nickolai was surprised when she bent
over and kissed him on the cheek gently.  "Thanks for the suggestion."

     "My privelege," he said.

     "Ken," Dave interrupted.


     "I hate to say this, but... incoming."

     "Incom-?  Oh, no."

     "I'm afraid so.  Transit from above the walls, angling in."

     "She's gonna kill someone someday."

     "Actually, she is not alone.  Molinar is dropping with her.  Her
accuracy is quite astonishing; she has never strayed more than three
meters from her original epicenter of impact."

     "Molly's... in with her, or in a different suit?"

     "Different suit," Dave said.  "Is that a concern?"

     "You're damn right it's a concern.  How much control do they have?"

     "We're about to find out."

     Shardik turned to Nickolai and said, "This should be fun.  Watch
out there."  He pointed in the direction of the ocean.  "You should see
a big spout in a few minutes.  Actually, if you look up, you might see
them entering the atmosphere... yeah, there they are.  See that bright

     "What is that?"

     "Atmospheric burn... literally setting the sky on fire.  That's how
hot they are coming in."

     "Are they going to slow down?"

     "I doubt it.  She likes to use the emergency temporals.  Those are
full powered Shirow Powered Armor Scouts.  They'll hit the ocean at full

     "How soon?"


     "Four minutes."  They traced the burning contrails as the two SPAS
screamed through the sky, burning a hot hole through the air as they
descended.  The last second of the fall was a flash, a fiery explosion
of light and water, followed by a enormous jet of water that at the
distance appeared as a tiny splash.  "It's about eight klicks out,"
Shardik said.


     "Yeah.  Now watch."

     After about three minutes, two suits of Pendorian powered armor
came running across the water at a full tilt, slowing down only as they
reached the shore, sinking into the surf as they did so.  "Those suits
are great.  They can survive nuclear explosions, terminal reentry,
everything," Shardik said.  "I just wish Rainy wouldn't use them to get
home like that."

     The suits stopped on the beach and the forward chestplates on each
cracked open.  Molly, the pretty Vulpin with red fur that they had met
on their first day in the Castle stepped out of hers first, looking a
little dazed; a smiling femTindal that Nickolai figured for P'raine
Shardik stepped out of the other one.  "Daddy!" she shouted.

     "Rainy!" Shardik replied.  "You know I hate when you do that!"

     "Oh, pooh," she said, helping Molly across the sands and into the
water.  A few moments later she and Molly joined them on the rooftop.
"Hi, Dad."

     "Hello, sweetheart," Shardik replied, giving her a kiss that was
anything but fatherly, followed by a more familial hug.  "How have you

     "Not bad, not bad.  The pressure test is going pretty well."

     Nickolai listened for a moment, but his thoughts were interrupted
by Molly saying "Hi, how've you two been?"

     "Fine," Furry replied calmly.  "I asked about you, but they said
you were on Terra."

     "Saturn, actually," Molly corrected her.  "Yeah, we're
custom-fitting a couple of high-pressure suits.  A Terran corporation
wants to experiment with what they call 'ultra-high-pressure' hardware,
and we agreed to help as long as we get to go in for the results.
That's my specialty at the moment, hardware design for extreme pressure

     Molly changed the subject herself.  "So, Nickolai, how much longer
do we have your company?"

     Nickolai scowled slightly and said, "I go back tomorrow."

     "Oh," Molly replied.  "I'm sorry."

     "Yeah, me too," he said.

     "Do you think you'll be coming back?"

     Nickolai glanced over at Furry.  Her face was full of hope.  "I
know I will," he replied emphatically.  "Even if it's going to have to
wait two years."

     "Wow," Molly said, somewhat wistfully.  "You know, I sometimes wish
I had someone who I felt like that about, but I've never really had the
wherewithall to maintain a relationship."

     "We've only been together for two weeks," Furry replied.

     "Yeah, but to promise to come back after two years... I mean, for
me, that's actually a lot.  I only give that promise to Ken.  And that's
because he's family.  Hey, I owe you something, don't I?"


     "A dragonride."

     "Oh," Furry replied.  "That's not a big deal.  It got rained out,
so we'll just hold onto the raincheck.  Maybe when Kolya comes back."

     "Or..." Molly replied thoughtfully, "I could let you drive around
my SAPS."


     "Just a second."  The Vulpin charged between Shardik and P'raine,
talking to both quickly.  There was a moment of exchange, then Shardik
said "Go have fun.  But be careful!"

     "Come on," Molly said as she returned to where Nickolai and Furry
stood.  They followed over the side of the Castle, down to the sand and
out to the beach.  "I'd like you to meet the SAPS standard Shirow Mark
Nine.  Terrans refer to the Mark Nines as BVDs because, according to the
translation of the joke I got, BVDs are the sort of things you do
everything in.  And everything can be done in a Mark Nine Shirow."  She
climbed up into the one that was clearly "hers" and pulled something
out, placing it over her temples.  "This is my override.  Now then,
Nickolai, take mine, and Furry, get into Rainy's."

     Furry looked over at  Nickolai, who smiled and clambered up the
sides of Molly's suit.  Furry paused for a second, looking up at this
thing that was nearly three times her height before finding the
handholds and hauling herself up and into the cockpit.

     "Now then," she said, "You'll find a set of headbands behind and to
the left of you.  Are you both familiar with biocybe and how it works?"

     Both acknowledged that they did.  "Good," Molly said.  "Okay, put
the headbands on and wait.  Tell me when you're ready."

     "Ready," Furry announced.

     "Ready," Nickolai agreed.

     "Okay.  Hold on."  Without warning, the front hatches MHD latches
activated, closing down.  "Okay, you're now in a suit of Shirow.  Buckle
up- use the full harness.  Tell me when you think you've got it."

     There was another long pause, and then both said they were ready.
Molly's disembodied voice corrected Nickolai on the placement of two
buckles around his crotch- "They're in the wrong slots.  If the suit
inverted, that would do very bad things to parts of your anatomy that
both you and Furry probably deem very precious."

     "Probably," Furry agreed, chuckling over the intercom.

     "Okay," Molly said, "Nickolai, take a step forward."


     "Think about the process of taking a step, without actually moving
the leg.  Try and send the orders down the nerves to your leg without
really moving it."

     Nickolai concentrated for a moment, and then the suit lurched
forward slightly.  "Okay, I've got you in training mode... the suit is
doing its own counterbalancing for you.  In full-function mode, the
sense of balance is provided by the user.  So you're not going to fall
over unless I want you to."

     "Thanks," Nickolai said dryly.

     "Take another step."  The suit lurched again.

     After about an hour of walking around the beach, getting their
balance and picking up large trunks of driftwood and throwing them
several hundred meters at a time, Furry complained that she was getting
a headache.  "Okay, time out," Molly said.  "Come back and sit down."
Nickolai drove his suit carefully back to where he thought he had
originally found it and sat it down.  The hatch popped open and he
clambered out.

     "How was it?" Molly asked.

     "It's... strange.  I'm not sure I like having that much raw power. 
And it'll take some getting used to before I could use it at its full

     "Yup."  The other suit came to a stop and sat, hard.  Furry climbed
out, rubbing her temples.  "Are you okay?"

     "I don't know.  My head hurts."

     "I overdid it on the active b/c," Molly said.  "I'm sorry.
Nickolai, why don't you take her in and have her take a nap?"

     "It's only five," Nickolai said.

     "Yeah, so?  A nap is a great Pendor tradition.  Do you think we
regularily put in twenty-hour days?  Only in boot camp.  Go on, sleep
'til about nine.  The party starts around fourteen today.  We moved it
back a little after last week... eating gets hard in the dark."

     "Okay," Nickolai replied.  "You want to go sleep?"

     "I think so," Furry replied, still rubbing her temples and looking
uncomfortable.  He led her back to the Castle and their bedroom, and
almost as quickly as Nickolai kissed her she fell asleep.  He threw the
covers over her, undressed and climbed in beside her.  "Dave, wake us
around nine."

     "Of course," the AI responded easily.

     Nickolai awoke to the erotic sensations of sucking.  He looked down
to see a lump formed under the wine-colored bedsheets, and pulled them
aside.  "Hello?" he said gently.

     "You were so nice to me this morning, I figured I would return the
favor," Furry replied, smiling and looking up the length of his body.

     "Thank you," he replied, tensing the muscles in his groin to make
his cock bob back and forth.  She grabbed it quickly with her mouth
again and sucked down, making him tense with pleasure.  "Wow," he sighed

     She let go and snaked back up the length of his body.  "Actually, I
just wanted to tease you and let you think about later tonight."


     "Because... Well, I just want you to remember tonight."

     "Furry," he sighed, "I'm going to remember these past two weeks for
the rest of my life," he insisted.  "Why do you think I should be
particularily concerned with tonight?"

     "I dunno," she said, burying her head in his shoulders.  "I just
want... I want something I know you'll come back for."

     "You already are something I'll come back for.  I don't need
special presents or reminders."

     "I know," she sighed.  He tickled her ears gently, enjoying the
reactions he got, watching them flicker.

     "What time is it?" she asked.  He wondered if that was an attempt
to get him to stop tickling her, but she seemed to ask in earnest.

     In any event, Dave replied "It's almost ten o'clock."

     "Dave, I asked you to wake us at nine."

     "And at nine you distinctly told me to give you another hour."

     "I did?"

     "Yes.  And since you gave me no specific instructions to ignore
requests for more time, I took your request seriously."

     Nickolai sighed.  He wondered if the event Dave described was true,
since he didn't remember giving any such instruction, but it was
possible... he'd learned to turn his alarm clock off in his sleep a long
time ago.  He turned over and said  "We should get up."

     "Yeah," she agreed.  They climbed out of bed and dressed, Nickolai
taking advantage of her nudity to tickle her.

     They walked out onto the rooftop and Shardik was still there,
dozing, a book over his face.  "Hello," Molly's voice interrupted them. 
Nickolai looked around for a moment, then found her, swimming in the
pool.  "Come in, it's not bad."

     "Do you want to," Furry asked.

     "It would be nice."

     "Then let's do it," she replied, easing out of the clothing she had
put on not ten minutes earlier and diving into the water.  Nickolai
followed her close behind.

     Molly was staring at them as the hugged in the water.  "You know, I
really envy you two.  I wish I understood what it was that made you two
work so well."

     "Well," Nickolai asked, nuzzling Furry close, "What about Ken and
P'nyssa and Aaden?  That seems to work, too."

     "Can I ask you a question?"

     "Sure," Nickolai replied.

     "How long do you two think you'll be together?"

     "Hopefully," Furry replied, "a long time.  I don't know.  I really
don't.  Something could come up, something that makes us incompatible.
I hope not.  I mean, we've only had two weeks to really get to know each
other, and on the one hand it's been a wonderful two weeks, and on the
other I'm starting to itch to get back into school, and get ready for a
professional life, who knows.  To really find out, we'd have to spend a
long time together.  Maybe we'll get that opportunity someday."

     "I'd like that," Nickolai said quietly.

     "Is that all it takes?  A willingess to try?"

     "That's all it takes," a new voice interceded.  "I wondered about
that.  At forty, you're a little beyond the norm to not have had kids
yet, Molly."  Shardik stood by the edge of the pool and looked down.

     "Hi, Dad."

     "Hiya, Molly."  Shardik knelt down to kiss Molly.  "Guys, let me
tell you about Molly.  Actually, let me tell you about a political
matter.  Terra used to fight this argument a lot.  Molly here was what
used to be called an unwanted child.  You don't mind if I say that, do
you?"  Molly shook her head.  "Her biomother decided, after reviewing
the fact that her genetics were pretty much perfect, not to terminate
the pregnancy even though she was absolutely sure that she could not
take the time from her present project to raise a daughter.  It's a very
private situation, too.  Because of the AI's involved, I don't know her
biomother.  She knows who I am, and Dave knows the whole story, and he's
authorized to walk in anytime she wants and she knows it.  But P'nyssa,
Aaden and I all raised Molly.  And she's grown up a fine child."

     "Thanks," Molly said, blushing.

     "What's wrong with the truth?" Ken asked.  "You're a beautiful
child, Molinar, and nothing will ever change that.  You're smart,
successful, beautiful, sexy."  She grinned.  "You're also the shyest
child I've ever raised.  Does it bother you when I tell your life story
to strangers?"

     "No..." Molly said.

     "Yes, it does."

     "No, it doesn't.  Look, the moment I was born I was put into your
arms... well, actually I was put into P'nyssa's arms.  You raised me,
you fed me and held me and- gave me your speech patterns."  She wheeled
around and splashed water at him.  "Sure, sometimes I wonder what my
bioparents look like, but it's not a big deal."

     There was a silence, then Shardik said "Molly, is there anyone you
want to spend time with, I mean, a lot of time?"

     "Not really," Molly said.  "I mean... maybe I haven't met the

     "Well, maybe you haven't, but I don't think that's the issue.  I
mean... Oh, hell, sweetheart, I love you.  I heard what you said earlier
about my being the only person you'd make a promise too."

     "Not just you.  Mom and Daddy Aaden, too.  But... I don't know."

     Shardik leaned over and whispered something into Molly's ear.  The
fox looked up at him and smiled, nodding.  "Sorry to discuss family like
that... So, you guys have a good nap?"

     "Yes, we did," Nickolai replied after a moments thought.  It still
stunned him to be on a first name basis with these people, he realized. 
He hadn't yet gotten used to it, and he doubted he ever would.

     "Good.  Oh, by the way... Molly, you may get a chance to keep your
promise to them anyway."

     "How so?"

     "Kitty called, and she said she'll be here for the picnic tonight."


     "So how does Kitty usually get here?"

     Molly looked up at him, her eyes getting wider by the second.
"We're going to need another cow," she said gently.

     "Already dealt with.  In fact, Paul and Michelle have already
tripped over to Rrawl's camp and gotten us two more."

     "Good," Molly replied, her face scowling slightly.  "I still say we
eat too much meat."

     "It's good for you," Shardik replied.

     They lazed about the swimming pool for a while, Nickolai
occasionally stealing glances over in Molly's direction.  Furry swam
over to him and whispered, "You think she's really pretty, don't you?"

     "Well, yeah," he admitted, blushing slightly.  "Sorry."

     "What are you apologizing for?  She's a nice person, and she is
really pretty."

     "You think so?"

     "Kolya, if I were here and you weren't, I would seriously think
about getting her into bed."  Her hand reached down and brushed his
groin.  "I see the idea turns you on."

     "'Seeing' is not what your doing," he hissed, smiling.

     "You know what I mean," she chided.

     "What are you two whispering about so intently?" Molly asked,
gliding through the water to their side.

     "Uhm... well..." Furry paused for a moment.  "You."



     "Like what?" Molly asked, intently curious.

     "Well... We were both discussing how attracted we both were to you.

     "Really?"  Molly's eyes lit up.  She lunged through the water and
threw an arm around each of them.  "Thank you."

     "For what?" Nickolai asked.

     "For saying that.  I didn't dare ask, and I really wanted you both
to like me.  I was worried because when we first met I felt I was being
a little awkward and overbearing.  I do that when I first meet people.
I'm sorry."

     "It's okay," Furry replied.  "I understand.  We were also talking
about how, if the other weren't here, how we'd be trying to get you,
well, into bed."

     "Do you still want to?" Molly asked, surprised.

     "Uhm... " Furry glanced at Nickolai.  He leaned over and whispered
into her ear.  She nodded.

     "This is the second time in two weeks this has happened, which
makes it all the more unbelievable, but I'm going to have to tell a
beautiful Fem 'no'."  Molly's expression fell.  "Hold on."  He reached
out and touched her cheek.  "I mean, yes, I would really like to get
into bed with you, and I think the three of us together would be a lot
of fun, but not tonight.  This is our last night together for two years,
and I think we want to spend it together, alone."

     Molly nodded and smiled.  "Can I set that down on my list of
rainchecks for Nickolai and Jofuran?  You know, when you guys get back
I'm going to owe you a lot."

     "Nothing you hadn't previously offered them anyway," Shardik
interrupted.  "You know, Nickolai, I have to congratulate you."


     "I'll let that one pass.  In the past ten days you've done a
stunning amount of change, and you've been good for the people around

     "Do you think so?"

     "In ten days you've learned to say what you want, clearly and
effectively.  You've managed to teach Jofuran here that not everything
Terra offers is hatred and rejection.  You've helped Molly with her
personal struggles, and you've helped Skii with the same."

     "Do you really think so?" Nickolai asked.  "I mean, all I've done
is be there."

     "But is there anything more important than that?" Shardik asked.
"Sometimes all it takes is for someone to be there, to be the catalyst
for change.  Even if Furry's dad had to kick you at one point, you've
learned to be there.  You know the expression 'If a tree falls...'?"
Nickolai shook his head.  "Oh, there's an old expression.  'If a tree
falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, did it make a
noise?'  It's a suprisingly Daoist question, especially since it seems
to be a Western creation.  If you know a forest well, and one day a tree
has fallen over, you have to wonder what noise it made.  But if nobody
heard the noise, did it even make one?

     "It comes down to existentialism.  If you didn't exist, would the
universe even exist?  I mean, you're not here to experience it.  So what
difference does it make... the question becomes completely meaningless. 
What's important to you, and to me, is that you are there to experience
what's going on in you're universe.  All you have to do is be there."

     "I don't really understand," Nickolai said.

     "It's hard to explain," Shardik said, "because it asks you to hold
in your mind one very difficult concept... you experience because you
exist, but you exist only because you experience.  That isn't really
circular logic... it's sort of the base upon which everything else in
life happens.  But if you accept that you're a part of Molly's
existence, then you're being there becomes very important to her.
You've decided to let both of your universes, because that's what they
are, overlap and interact, while those universes remain intact and
undisturbed because they're yours.  Any clearer?"

     "Not really," Nickolai sighed.

     Shardik sighed.  "Well, maybe you'll understand it someday.  It's
not really important that you do.  Let it rest at this, Nickolai.  Since
meeting Furry your universe has become very large, and that means that
you've become important to the lives of other people.  On the other
hand, it also means that you frighten people with universes smaller than
yours, people who want your universe to include only them, or a limited
set of 'thems.'  Furry, too, has had her universe grow, although I think
she's the sort of person who was waiting for that to happen."

     "Uh-huh," Furry smiled.  "I just didn't know how to say it."

     "Well... hello," Shardik said, looking up.  "Take a look, out over
the ocean."

     They all stood up on the stones that marked the more shallow end of
the pool and looked out over the water.  "See that?"


     "That black spot.  Look right over the break in the rocks."

     "Kitty?" Molly asked.

     "Yup.  Kitty and Pendor, right on time."

     "Alright!" Molly said.  "They really made it."

     "Did you think they wouldn't?"

     "How many times have we invited them and they couldn't make it?"

     "They always tell us when they can't."

     "Sometimes at the last minute."

     "Well, this time they promised they'd be here."

     Molly turned to Nickolai and Furry and said, "Well, do you guys
want to get out, or dry off the quick and dirty way?"

     "What's the quick and dirty way?" Nickolai asked.

     "Like this," Molly said, jumping out of the pool and taking a swan
dive over the edge of the Castle roof.  Her tail was the last thing to
vanish out of sight.

     "Kids," Shardik sighed.  "Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
She's gone down to the lagoon SDisk, and when she hits it she'll tell it
to take her to the residential level."

     "Where she'll arrive dry."

     "Right," Shardik said.  "If you're not particularily modest about
public nudity, feel free.  Remember that going down that side you'll fly
right past the Felinzi side of the Castle, past M'Ress, N'Skii and
M'Riah's rooms."

     "Well?" Furry asked.

     "What the Hell," Nickolai replied, jumping out of the water and
diving over the side.

     "Good lad!" he heard Shardik yell as he dove.

     Nickolai hit the water head first and swam for the glowing SDisk.
As he hit it, he found himself naked in the cool interior of Shardik
Castle.  Jofuran appeared a moment later, followed by Shardik, who
looked comfortably dry in his billowing silken yellow-and-orange shirt.
"That's how it's done," Shardik said as he assessed himself.  "Make your
decision and do it before the second thoughts hit."  He turned to
Nickolai and said "The trick in life is learning to stave off those
second thoughts long enough to do the things that take more setup."

     "Is that how you do things?"

     "All the time.  Go get dressed.  Now I have to climb back out and
go meet Kitty."

     Nickolai and Jofuran caught up with Shardik on the sands of the
Lagoon five minutes later.  Molly came by a little after that,
apologizing because she had to brush her tail down.  "Here they come."

     A few minutes passed as the tiny speck over the sea came closer and
closer, and as it did so it began to resolve into a large black flying
Dragon, easing over the water.  The neck was shorter than Nickolai had
expected, and the wings were wide.  The dragon drew closer; Nickolai had
to control his urge to flee from this monstrous creature.  As it came
floating in over the water, he did take a step back... and the huge
claws set down onto the sand, the wings giving two final flaps to
decellerate completely.  On the dragon's back sat a young woman dressed
in heavy leather pants and a jacket.  "Ken!" she shouted.

     "Kitty!" he returned.  "How ya doing?"

     "Just great!" she replied, sliding down off the simple harness
Nickolai could see attached around the dragon's shoulders.  Ken ran
forward and hugged her as she hit the sand.  They stood there for a
moment talking, quietly so Nickolai couldn't hear them, then they walked
back to where the other three stood.  "Nickolai, Jofuran, meet Kitty
Moran.  Kitty, I'd like you to meet Nickolai Dittrich of Terra, and
Jofuran Shigokai."

     "Terra?" she asked as she shook hands.  "What's brings you to

     "Vacation," he replied.

     "You're not emigrating?"

     "Not as far as I know," he replied.

     Kitty shot a confused glance at Shardik, who shrugged.  Then she
turned and said, "Well, guys, meet Pendor.  Pendor, meet Nickolai and
Jorfuran."  The Dragon nodded.  "He says hi.  It'll be a few hours
before you can start hearing him."

     "Molly, about your promise?" Shardik said.

     "What?  I was going to get Delrio to do it."

     "What's this?  A promise involving Dragons?" Kitty asked.

     "Oh, I promised Nickolai and Jorfuran I'd try and get Delrio to
give them a ride.  But they've found their own ways around and it's a
little late now to get Del's attention."

     "What do you think?" Kitty asked Pendor.  The Dragon seemed to
stare intently at Kitty for a few minutes and Kitty said "He says he'd
love to take you two up."

     "Well?" Furry asked.  Nickolai swallowed and said, "I guess."

     "Great.  It'll be short.  I'm dressed for it, but you two aren't,

     "Oh, Nickolai, that reminds me."  Shardik spoke rapidly and then
ran back in the direction of the Castle.  They stood waiting in silence
for him to return.  "Here," he said, coming back through the crack in
the rocks and tossing Nickolai his leather jacket.  "This came back.
Rather than have the leather reformed, I had them patch it well but
visibly.  I didn't think you'd mind a reminder."

     Nickolai looked at the patch, smiled and said "No, I don't.  That
gives me something to tell the guys at school about."

     "Okay, guys, get on," Kitty said.  They eased onto the Dragon,
Furry first, Nickolai behind her, Kitty behind him.  "We're a lot of
weight, but... Are you sure?  Okay, he says we're fine.  One, two,
three!"  There was a sudden lurch, and they were airborne.  The flight
was, as Kitty had promised, brief and chilly, but there was a certain
etheral thrill at riding on the back of the great Dragon.  Nickolai
remembered that even though everybody knew who the First Centaur was,
Shardik had been very careful with the rest of his Tleils, never
revealing who was the "First" of anything else.  Rumor had it, though,
that M'Ress was the First Felinzi and Pendor was First Dragon.  As his
heart raced and his mind flew, the events of the past two weeks slowly
filtered through his brain again, and he hugged Furry closely.  The
Dragon began a slow, easy descent for the beach again, and as they
touched down he whispered "I love you."

     She reached back behind her head and hugged him gently.  "I love
you too."

     They dismounted from the Dragon carefully, Furry pausing for a
moment to let her toes soak in the heat of the sand after the flight.
"Thank you," Nickolai said breathlessly.

     *You're welcome,* the Dragon said gently.

     Kitty started "He said-"

     "I heard him."

     "You what?"

     "I heard him," Nickolai repeated.  "Wow."

     *Hello,* Pendor said.  *It's nice to meet you for real, Nickolai.*

     "Same here," Nickolai said.

     "Wow," Kitty said.  "That's got to be one of the fastest
connections he's ever made in history."

     "Yeah," Shardik agreed.  "Oh, by the way, Pendor, we got you steak
for dinner.  How do you want it done?"

     *Rare.  Hot, but rare.*

     "Got it.  Oh, and a friend of yours is here."

     "Aaden?"  Kitty's expression lit up.

     "Yeah.  Come on."  Shardik led them back to the lagoon.  Pendor
took to the air to hop over the lip of the bowl, landing easily on the
lagoon sand and curling up around a large rock, closing his eyes and
snoring gently.

     "Does he always do that?" Nickolai asked.

     "Yeah," Kitty said, smiling.  "He's a bit lazy at times, and we
flew a good long distance.  The funny thing is you can still talk to
him.  He's just resting."


     *Really,* the Dragon replied without moving.  *By the way, Molly,
you owe me a game of chinese checkers.*

     "We were tied," the fox replied.

     *Yes.  Not a situation we should allow to continue unresolved.*


     *As good a time as any.*

     "Aaden!" Kitty's voice broke the relative quiet of Molly's
conversation with Pendor.  "Hi!"

     "Hiya, kiddo," Aaden said, dropping down and hugging her closely.

     "What is this 'kiddo' shit?" Kitty said.  "I'm older than you are! 
You're starting to talk like he is."

     "Ohmifah," Aaden said, grinning.  "Am I starting to look like him,

     Kitty took a step back, giving him a critical look with one eye
closed.  ""

     "Very funny," he said, pulling her close and hugging her again.
"You look good."

     "And you look great," she said.

     "How's the lug?"

     "Pendor?  Still the same... lazy, helpful, a great babysitter."

     "It's a damned shame I never could talk with him without hardware."

     The conversation settled down into an easy, familiar pattern that
Nickolai was starting feel more and more a part of.  He knew that he was
in a place that Terrans usually considered dangerous, mysterious,
perverse- yet he found nothing dangerous at all in these people.  They
asked nothing of him that he wasn't already willing to give.  He was
perfectly aware of the relationships within Shardik Castle, at least as
aware as any Terran was allowed to be.  He knew that Shardik and Aaden
sometimes participated in sadomasochism, that Kitty's sometime sexual
partner was Pendor, that... he could go on with the list of objections.

     Furry came up from behind and wrapped her arms around him.  "How
are you feeling?" she asked.

     "Weird," he admitted.  "Having one of those 'I can't beleive I'm
here' attacks."

     "Well, you still really are here.  What I can't beleive is that
your mother gave in."

     "That's not so hard," Nickolai said.  "Now that I think about it,
she knows she can't really control my life anymore, and if I come home
in one piece, maybe it'll be good for her."

     "Hopefully," she said.

     "Nickolai!" Shardik said loudly, startling him.  "You're hired."

     "For what?"

     "We need some people to move tables and gear down the tunnel, and
someone has to dig the firepit."

     *I'll do that.*

     "What?  Oh, what am I thinking?" Shardik asked rhetorically.
"There's a dragon here.  Yeah, yeah... Uhm, Aaden, you know where you
want it."

     "Right over here," Aaden said.  The massive bulk of the Dragon
shifted in the sand, and Pendor stood up on all fours.  With a single
swipe of his massive forepaw a huge gout of sand seemed to vanish.  A
few casual digs and the entire pit was hollowed out of the sand.

     *No problem, as long as I get first bite.*

     "Better give it to him," Kitty said.

     "I will, I will," Aaden replied, smiling.  "Okay, Nickolai, Furry,
Molly, go join Skii and M'Riah... they're down the tunnel.  I need the
stones, the grill, both tables, and the spit for turning."

     The three raced down the tunnel, Nickolai grateful for something to
do, and found Skii and another Felinzi male sorting through a storage
room.  "Hi?" he asked when they entered.

     "Hi, guys," Skii asked, embracing Nickolai.  "Thanks for getting me
out of a bind this morning."

     "No problem," Nickolai asked.  "You must be M'Riah."

     "And you must be Nickolai Dittrich of Terra.  Yes.  Skii's been
telling me all about you.  And this must be Jofuran."  He held his hand;
when she offered hers he kissed it.  "My pleasure."

     "Mine as well," Furry replied.  "What do we need?"

     "Well, the ATV there has the stones for the pit.  You'll need to
set them once they're out there.  And here's the charcoal," he grunted. 
"We'll need more than that eventually.  M'Riah, can you?"

     "Take the cart?  Of course."  The black-and-white Felinzi walked
with perfect posture to the cart and drove it away.

     "Don't worry about him.  He's like that all the time."

     "Seems so... formal," Furry said.

     "I don't know.  He's been that way since I was born, and Ember
tells me he was like that the day he was born.  Very quiet cub.  Anyway,
he's actually kinda fun in bed- just sorta cuts loose, y'know?  Almost
doesn't say anything, just purrs and growls a lot.  Very sexy, if you're
into the animalism fetish."  Skii smiled wide.

     "Come on, come on, grab a table."  They walked back down the tunnel
with the tables in hand, Nickolai and Furry on one, Molly and Skii on
the other.

     They spent the next hour doing much of the same, setting up tables
and putting out foodstuffs.  Nickolai encountered a lot of food he was
familiar with, and a bewildering array of things he wasn't, including a
very heavy stew which Nickolai found delicious.  "Good?" Shardik asked
him as he sampled it.

     "Yeah," Nickolai answered, smiling.

     "It's unofficial nickname is Sandless Chili."


     "Yeah.  See, most spices you get pre-packaged are sold with sand as
a primary de-caking agent, so it'll flow.  I get fresh herbs and such
and throw them all into a blender with some water... It makes a really
spicy paste that I use to flavor the stuff.  Also, I use a really coarse
cornmeal as a thickener, and real stew meat instead of ground beef."  He
seemed pleased to have someone new to discuss his recipie with.  "It
works."  He smiled momentarily, then said "You seem happier, Nickolai.
Why is that?"

     "Oh, I don't know," Nickolai replied.  He did feel good, almost to
the point of laughing.  "I just feel good having something to
contribute.  I've felt like a bit of leech the past couple of days."

     "Nonsense, dear boy.  Look, you're sixteen and I'm a thousand.
What's the difference.  I invited you, your my guest.  Besides, you've
just encountered the first hurdle in the psychology of abundance."


     "Don't grunt, Nickolai, it's not polite.  Look, here on Pendor
you're clothed and fed.  Nobody's going to deny you basic survival...
we've got the resources to easily make everybody obscenely wealthy, but
they already are anyway.  What you've just encountered is the wish to
contribute, to be a part of the system.  Congratulations- you now
understand how Pendor works better than most Terrans."

     "That's it?  I contribute what I want when I can?"

     "That's it.  Don't you see it, though?  You want to contribute.
Whereas most Terrans are operating under the impression that they have
to contribute... their very survival is at stake.  The only place where
these two systems ever really meet is in space, where you have to
contribute to the ship, or you die... but then, you wanted to get on
that ship."

     "That's... really interesting."

     "Isn't it, though?"  Shardik asked.  "Turn around," he said

     Nickolai turned around just to see Paul Lewis toss something into
the firepit.  A HUGE fireball erupted out of it, followed by a minute or
so of flames two meters high.  They slowly died down.

     "I think the fire's lit," Paul called out.  "Carcass number one,

     Nickolai turned just in time to see Ember pull a white sheet off of
the body of a dead animal, then turned away equally quickly.

     "Nickolai?" Shardik asked.

     "I know what you're going to say.  That for millions of years my
carnivore ancestors ate things like that without any cooking.  That
Terrans are afraid to know how the things they find in their
supermarkets get there."

     "No, I was going to ask if you're okay.  I know you know all about

     Nickolai looked up after a deep breath.  "Okay.  It's just not
easy... I mean, as 'natural' as it all looks, I'm not used to it."  A
thought occured to him, and he looked up at Shardik and said, "Let me
try and explain it.  Skii told me how you managed the exocellular
nanotech systems for reproduction.  The fact that it's... um... The word
I'm looking for... ongoing?  There for the next-"


     "Yeah.  Self perpetuating, doesn't make it any more natural than
Saman Transfer.  I know your argument that it's evolution using
intelligence as the agent of change, but maybe that's what Saman
facilities are on Earth.  Which kinda makes displays like that no more
'natural' than plankton sandwiches."

     "Would you use the word 'barbaric?'" Shardik asked.

     Nickolai smiled and said, "That's a judgement call, and I've
learned better around you."

     "Good lad!" Shardik said, slapping him on the shoulder gently.
"Come on, where's your girlfriend?"

     "Furry?"  He looked around quickly, and found Furry with Carroll
Lewis setting out blankets and a rack covered in towels.

     "Hi!" she said as they walked over together.  Shardik kissed
Carroll gently.  "How's everything?"

     "Not bad," Shardik admitted.  "We were discussing philosophy."

     Carroll sighed.  "Again?"

     "I don't mind, Miss Lewis."

     "Carroll, please," the Centaur said with a hint of frustration.
"Miss Lewis sounds so... old-fashioned."

     After Pendor had been fed and other members of the family had shown
up, making the picnic an almost bewildering array of names that Nickolai
had at least a passing fascination with, he found himself sitting on a
large towel by the lagoon.  Skii swam over to him, coming right up to
the edge of the water.  "Hey, Nickolai, can I ask you a question?"

     Nickolai tried to think of what Skii would ask him, then decided he
wanted to know.  "I guess."

     "This is gonna sound a little predatory, but... do you have sex
with guys?"

     Nickolai nearly choked on his potato salad.

     "I'm sorry..."

     "No, no... that was just not a question I thought you were going to

     "Oh, well... Do you?"

     "I... I did."

     "But you preferred women more."

     "A lot more.  Why?"

     "Do you want the honest truth?"

     "Usually," Skii replied, smiling.

     "Because the guy I slept with asked too damned much of me.  If
you'll pardon the phrase, I don't like getting fucked."

     "He forced you... ?"

     "No," Nickolai sighed.  "But he made me feel like... well, it's
hard to say.  It was two years ago, I think, and I guess he made me feel
like I wasn't a real man if I couldn't do that."

     Skii scowled.  "Look, I just talked to Molly, and she said that you
and she have a... 'raincheck.'  What is a raincheck?"

     "As far as I can remember, if an outdoor event gets rained out, a
raincheck is a promise that tickets for the event are good later."

     "Oh... then why 'raincheck'?"

     "There are good reasons why Furry and I aren't going crazy and
grabbing Molly, or Ken for that matter, since he did make a pass at us
earlier this week."

     "Did he now?" Skii smiled mischeviously.

     "It was only a little one, and P'nyssa caught him at it."

     "Still... look, can I take a 'raincheck' on the same offer?"


     "Since you 'usually want the truth,' I'll give you some.  I'd
really like to spend the night with both of you."

     "Both of us?"

     "Both of you.  Just because I have a preference for men doesn't
mean I don't like women; I'm not like Aaden that way.  And that's not
saying anything bad about Aaden," he finished quickly.  "It's just that
Furry's really cute.  And I think playing with both of you would be very
interesting.  And I don't know how you feel about me, but I think I'm
pretty trustworthy."

     "As long as you're not driving," Nickolai said, laughing.

     "Hey, I was pretty careful when I had a passenger."

     "You were trying not to scare him that night.  In the morning you
weren't so careful."

     "We were a hurry," Skii replied with a smile.  "You're right.  I'm
a maniac on the road.  I admit it.  But I'm not a rapist."

     "Neither was he," Nickolai mused.  "Just a schmuck."

     "One bad experience isn't something to base your whole life on."

     "No, but when I look at men, I don't get the heat the way I do when
I look at women."

     "Yeah, so?  Nickolai, when the lights are off it's really hard to
tell who's sucking on you.  Just think about it.  And remember, I want
her there too."

     He nodded.  "Hey," Skii said, "Look who's here."

     "Evening, kids," Shardik said.  In his hand he held a small black
box to Nickolai.  "There's something you forgot on this trip."



     "A camera?"

     "Think about it Nickolai.  Wouldn't you love originated,
time-stamped photos of you, me, Skii, Pendor, Carroll, the Castle,
everything?  Feel free, take pictures.  The normal resolution on that's
about a one thousand DPC, and if you're willing to take about ten
percent of the media you can maintain that for a print two meters on a

     "What would I want to do that for?" Nickolai asked.

     "Isn't there anything you'd like a permanent record of for your
wall at school?" he asked, glancing over to where Furry and three others
were playing catch with a disc and splashing in the beach.  None of them
wore any clothing.

     "Uh... yeah.  Got any more carts?"

     "Will ten total do?" Shardik asked, digging into a pocket and
pulling out nine more.

     "Yeah," Nickolai said.  "Fine."

     "I think you've stunned him," Skii said.

     "Stunned?" Shardik asked, his voice trailing into falsetto.

     "Yeah, stunned," Skii replied.  "And don't start with jokes that
are literally a millenia old."

     "I won't," Shardik promised.

     Nickolai wandered away from the conversation and started snapping
pictures almost at random.  Mostly photos of Furry, but others of
members of Shardik Castle.  He had Ember, who he had just been
introduced to, take pictures of him and Aaden standing by a rather
sleepy-eyed Pendor.  He got pictures of Shardik, P'nyssa, and himself,
at the high-resolution Shardik had suggested.  He wanted as much memory
as he could possibly stuff into one night on the cartridges.  He took
pictures inside the Castle, including look-down views on the picnic from
the roof of the Castle.

     "You're going to go click-happy," Shardik said.

     "Yeah, but I realized that we've got a 160cent 1000dpc printer at
school, and I think having a picture of Furry on one wall and one of
you, me, and P'nyssa on the other would just be perfect."

     "Actually, I've got a better idea," Shardik replied.  He raised his
head above his hands and shouted, "Hey!  Everybody put down what you're
doing and come over here.  Everybody!  Stand in front of Pendor."

     *What are you doing?* Nickolai heard Pendor asked.

     "Getting a family picture.  Now, we can either stand on your head,
or you could loom over us."

     *I'll loom,* the Dragon replied.

     "Okay, Ember, Michelle, over there.  Calffn, you and Calli stand
over there..." After a few minutes, he had the entire party of about
thirty people all standing in a small circle, Pendor's head just above
his shoulder.  "Okay, Furry, stand right next to me, on the right, and
Nickolai, you stand over here.  Okay Dave, whenever you're ready."  The
camera seemed to float in midair, then a series of whirs told everyone
the picture was taken.

     "There.  Okay, everybody back to what they were doing."  Shardik
retreived the camera and said, "There.  That should surprise your
friends.  Not just Shardiks, but Rhysling Adnil, Tarrette Traken, Kitty
and Pendor."

     "Thank you, sir."

     "You deserve it, Nickolai.  And stop calling me sir!" he exclaimed,

     As the night wore down, Nickolai and Furry found themselves nearly
falling into their bedroom, exhausted from a party that, much unlike the
one held the previous week, seemed to have been thrown for their benefit

     "You're not happy," Nickolai said as he sat down on the bed,
rubbing his eyes.

     "I'm... Nickolai, tonight I made more friends than I had ever
imagined possible.  I've never played frisbee, or whatever you call that
thing.  I've never just sat around and gossipped about boys... I saw
talking to Skii.  I've never had so many people just say 'hello' to me. 
You have no idea how deliriously happy that makes me.

     "But I can't help thinking that this is our last night together."

     "It's only for two years."

     "No!" she said, angrily.  "You keep saying that.  How do I know
that?  How can I be sure?  How can I know for sure that you'll be back? 
Maybe you'll meet someone else, maybe when you come back the 'real'
thing won't be as good as the memories that grew while you were gone.
Nickolai..." Her eyes filled with tears.  "I need you."

     He reached out gently and pulled her down onto the bed with him.
"I need you, too, Furry."  He ran a hand along her fur, touching her.
She felt vaguely... dusty, he thought.  "You've got salt crystals in
your fur... you need a shower."

     "Uh-huh," she said, gently.  "I know."

     "Furry," he said, "I'll be back.  I promise you.  I've already made
the reservations and paid for the trip."

     "What?  How?"

     "Ken said use all the resources of the Castle I wanted to."

     "And you had Dave do it?  How did you pay for it?  That's still a
Terran transaction."

     "Shardik foreign exchange fund."

     "You can do that?"

     "Dave let me.  Does it matter otherwise?"

     Furry thought about that for a moment.  "I guess not."  She smiled
gently.  "I guess you will be back."

     "Oh, yes," he replied.  "I'll be back."

     "What if you don't... don't find me as attractive when you return."

     "Then we'll deal with it when we return.  Like Ken said, you can't
predict things like that.  You have to wait until you get there."

     "That's not easy," she sniffed.

     "Nothing worth waiting for ever is."

     "Did you... did you take a look at the nameplate on the door when
you came in?"

     "No.  Why, I thought it was blank?"

     "It's not."

     "What does it say."

     "Go take a look.  When you get back, I'll be in the shower."

     She stood up off his lap and walked into the shower.  Nickolai, his
curiosity piqued, made his way to the front door and looked to his left.
He read the plaque three times before heading back to the shower.

     "Furry!" he said as he raced in.  "What does that mean?"

     "What did it say?"

     "Jofuran Shigokai," he announced.

     As he stripped off his clothes and walked into the steam-filled
shower, she said "It means, I have a place here, now.  I'm free to come
and go from The Castle whenever I choose.

     "Ken told me that there are a lot more people who are allowed to
live here than who do.  Only he and the Lewis' have listed Castle
Shardik as their official residence for as long as the Castle has
existed, although quite a few others use it as a primary message drop.
But it means that I've joined the nine-hundred people or so who can add
the name 'Shardik' to their own."

     "Jofuran Shigokai... Shardik?"

     "Not quite."


     "Jofuran Shigokai Dittrich Shardik," she said, firmly.   "It's a
little old-fashioned, I'm told, but I need you, Nickolai, and I'm not
ashamed to have your name attached to mine.  I want you."  She smiled up
at him and hugged him close.  He felt a little stiff, holding her, not
sure how to react.  Then he felt that familiar grounding from her and
slumped against her, holding her strong.  He needed her, more than
anything else he could think of, he needed her.  "I love you, Nickolai,"
she whispered over the shower.

     "I love you too."

     "Nickolai?" she asked, looking at him again, "Would you be upset if
I told you I didn't want to make love tonight, that I'd rather we just
slept, and tomorrow I put you on a ship headed out?"

     He smiled and shook his head.  "Anything for you, Jofuran Shigokai.

     She smiled.  "Why didn't you use my full name?"

     "Because I fell in love with Jofuran Shigokai, and what she's
become is just something extra.  But even without that... I don't know. 
I love you, Furry, and nothing is ever going to change that."

     "Thank you, Nickolai."

"Travellogue, Day 11"
The Journal Entries of Kennet R'yal Shardik, et. al., And Related Tales
are (c) 1989, 1992 Elf Matheiu Sternberg.  May be freely distributed by
cybernetic media; hardcopies are limited to single printings for
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